Thirty-four years ago, the late Raymond Bard, founding Dean of the College of Allied Health Sciences, retired. Wanting to stay in touch with the Medical College of Georgia, now known as Augusta University, he formed the Augusta University Retirees Association. Today, the organization continues to meet regularly, swapping stories of travels and families while staying updated during quarterly luncheons.
"Ray didn't want to let go of his connections, his friends. His charisma pulled people into the new organization," said Alan Campbell, former Augusta University Vice President for Physical Affairs and Planning, former Retirees Association president and board member. "We had small boards in those days; four or five people did everything," he added. "With the early retirements in 2000, we had an influx of new people and now we have more people doing the work and more people having fun."
"The purpose of the association is to support Augusta University, help members be aware of events at the college and offer opportunities for retirees to relate to each other," says Dr. Malcolm (Mike) Luxenberg, Past President of the organization and former Professor and Chair for Ophthalmology. "It's a chance for people to get together for fellowship, to spend time with people that you worked with for many years."