Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and Genetics (REIG) specializes in a wide range of clinical problems ranging from aberrations of puberty through infertility and menopause. Specific programs related to in vitro fertilization, PMS, menopause and pediatric gynecology are part of this broad-based clinical service. The clinical effort is supported by laboratories in reproductive biology and cytogenetics. A major component of these services involves preconceptional and prenatal genetic diagnosis.
Our mission is to provide comprehensive healthcare to women with problems that center on infertility, reproductive disorders, and genetics. Our principal objective is to provide this care in a courteous, empathetic manner.
Facts about infertility:
If you have been trying to become pregnant for one year or are age 35 and above, have tried for six months, have been unable to conceive, or have had early pregnancy losses, you may be experiencing a reproductive problem. Augusta University Reproductive Laboratories of Augusta, in association with Reproductive Medicine and Infertility Associates, is devoted to diagnosing and treating the cause of your problem with the least amount of intervention possible. Our fertility specialists are board certified reproductive endocrinologists and can provide you with the latest treatment options, from the simplest to the most complex.
Office: 706-721-3832 Patient Appts:706-722-4434
Office: 706-721-9101
Office:706-721-3832 Patient Appts.:706-722-4434
Office:706-721-3832 Patient Appts.:706-722-4434
Office:706-721-3832 Lab:706-721-7591
Office: 706-721-3832 Patient Appts.:706-722-4434
We regret that we are unable to answer medical questions via e-mail. Please call 706.721.CARE (2273) or consult your physician for answers to your individual health questions.