Augusta University has a rich history of enterprise wide planning. Following are links to previous planning efforts and documentation.
The process of the consolidation of Augusta State University (ASU) and Georgia Health Sciences University (GHSU) has created the opportunity for what we strongly believe can be the next great American university, Augusta University (Augusta University).
Our Vision 2030 is to be one of the top tier universities. A destination of choice for education, health care, discovery, creativity, and innovation.
In fall 2011, Augusta University outlined a bold 8-year vision for the future of medical and health professions education in Georgia. The Augusta University update was presented to the Board of Regents on Nov. 13, 2013.
Transformation 2020 was the strategic plan for Georgia Health Sciences University, released in early 2012.
In Action for Excellence is the Augusta State University 2010-2015 strategic plan prior to the consolidation with Georgia Health Sciences University.