The education mission strategic planning process for the University began in late spring 2014 when an environmental scan was completed based on the work done during the consolidation process to develop the Augusta University strategic plan, Transition Forward. The strategic planning framework below is outlined more fully in Appendix B. This framework serves to connect our planning discussions between all levels of our organization and with the University System of Georgia. This framework supports the development of aligned priorities and goals and the appropriate amount of specificity at the various planning levels.

In September 2014, the Provost Cabinet developed the first draft of planning assumptions, focus areas, and desired results. During fall 2014, the Provost Cabinet members, the deans of all 9 colleges, and key faculty and college leadership worked to formalize the focus areas and begin developing goals for each focus area. Academic support staff also provided key insights and input into the goals that supported the focus areas.

In winter 2015, the draft was finalized and posted for broad-based input from students, faculty, and staff members which led to the final draft adopted by the Provost Cabinet in March 2015. After Provost review and revisions, the plan was officially published on June 15, 2015.