The Georgia Cancer Center (GCC) announces a new initiative to provide support investigators success at competitive revisions of peer reviewed R level grants (submitted by a GCC investigator as a PI, or multi-PI) that have missed the payline. The intent of these awards is to provide funding to support revision of peer reviewed grants and maximize the probability of securing the award.

This mechanism will support resubmissions of peer reviewed grant submitted in the last Year (July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024), and not selected for funding but with a score that is conducive to funding with additional data and revisions. Investigators planning a revision or a new submission based on the reviewer comments are highly encouraged to apply.

Include the following:

  • Peer reviewed grant.
  • Summary statement,
  • Proposed Plan for revisions (two pages maximum, arial 11, margin 0.5 all sides).
  • Budget and timeline for proposed revised experiments.
    • Maximum budget of $50,000 for one year maximum.
    • Funding can include salary support for laboratory personnel, animal and operational expenses, shared core services support, or other reasonable expenses.
    • This bridge funding may not be used to support PI or co-PI salary. Travel or publication expenses are also not allowed.
    • If the revised grant is funded any unused expenses will transfer back to GCC.

Deadline for submission: July 31, 2024

Submit Application Here