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Current Projects

“Circadian origins of vascular disease in obesity”
Studies will determine how the disruption in circadian rhythm impairs the cardiovascular function in obesity.

“Circadian Clock Control of Endothelial Identity in Atherosclerosis”
Our overarching hypothesis is that circadian rhythmicity is important to maintain endothelial homeostasis via Sox17 expression and that perturbation of rhythms corrupts endothelial function and encourages the development of atherosclerosis.

Spotlight Publications

Dr. David Fulton


Regulation of endothelium-derived nitric oxide production by the protein kinase Akt.
Fulton D., Gratton JP, McCabe TJ, Fontana J, Fujio Y, Walsh K, Franke TF, Papapetropoulos A, Sessa WC.  Nature. 1999 Jun 10;399(6736):597-601.


Glucose wears down circadian clocks in obesity, may drive cardiovascular risk    WJBF- Jennie     Jagwire



Recent Publications