The Dental College of Georgia considers it essential to train DMD students in the use of computers to prepare them for the practice of dentistry. While most students already own a computer with or without the laptop requirement, the requirement assures that all student computers meet certain minimum technical requirements. This consistency simplifies troubleshooting and support and assures a level playing field for all students in the program.

IT Orientation Checklist for The Dental College of Georgia

Review IT Orientation

Technical Support

If you need additional technical support or have trouble with your password, please contact the IT Helpdesk.

Requirement Details

 Laptop Icon

1. Confirm Your Computer or Laptop Meets System Requirements

  • Windows 10, Windows 11 (Windows 10 & 11 S Not Supported)
  • mac OS Big Sur 11, macOS Monterey 12, macOS Ventura 13, macOS Sonoma 14
  • Intel i5 Processor (minimum), Core i7 or i9 Processor (recommended)
  • 8 GB RAM or higher
  • Ethernet adapter or port, Ethernet cable, and Wireless 802.11g (to connect to Wi-Fi)
  • Please note that iPads, tablets, Chromebooks, Windows Surface Pros will not support the instructional technology used at DCG.
  • Antivirus protection is strongly recommended to protect your device, data, and privacy.

Lock Icon

Change Password

Your new password must contain at least 8 characters: one uppercase letter one lowercase letter one number or one special character. You will not be able to use the @ symbol. If you encounter an issue logging in, please contact the IT Help Desk.

2. Obtain a Campus Net ID / Reset Your Password/Change Password

If you need to obtain you net JagID and email address, please contact the IT Help Desk at (706) 721-4000.

Your net ID is the first part of your email address that appears before the @augusta.edu.

Example: ttoothbrush@augusta.edu has a net ID of ttoothbrush.

You can now access http://password.augusta.edu/ and log in using the password assigned to your account. This password will contain your last initial (capitalized)+SSN(no spaces or dashes)+an exclamation point ( ! ).

Example: S198467890!

You will need to change your password every 180 days. If you are prompted you need to change your password, go to https://password.augusta.edu and select Forgot My Password. Follow the prompts to change you password.

Email Icon

AU Email

3. Access Campus Email

Once you have changed your password through http://password.augusta.edu/, you should be able to log into your AU Email using your net ID and new password.

Wireless Icon

4. Prepare Your Laptop for use with Campus Secure Wireless Network

Prior to attempting to connect to the AU-Secure or eduroam wireless network, you will need to confirm the following:

  • You have a current netID.
  • Your computer has antivirus protection with definitions no more than two weeks old. 
  • Your Windows computer has "Automatic Windows Updates" enabled.
 Cirix Icon

5. Get Ready for Citrix: Rename Computer with Provider ID

The DCG uses Citrix, a desktop/laptop application, to deliver dental management software such as axiUm and MiPACS. As part of the its security protocol, Citrix references the computer name on each device that connects, making it necessary for users to utilize a specific naming convention that includes each user's provider number.

Please note that as of October 2023 Apple released an update to iPads and iPhones that prevents Axium usage through Citrix.

Step 1: Obtain Provider Number

  • All DCG students and faculty are issued a provider number that identifies you as a dental care provider to patients of the DCG.
  • Your DCG Provider Number is sent to you via private email and will remain the same throughout your enrollment.

Example: D12345

Step 2: Change Computer Name

  • In order to download and install Citrix, your personal computer will need to be renamed to:
    [AxiUm Provider Number]-[CITRIX] (example…RZ0099-CITRIX).
    • Your Axium Provider Number is: S23W03
    • Your device name is: S23W03-CITRIX

Citrix Icon

Citrix Access Gateway

Mac Setup: Download
Citrix Workspace

Windows Setup:
Download Citrix

User Log In

6. Set Up and Install Citrix

Step 1: Install Software

 In your browser, go to the Citrix Login Screen by typing the URL https://citrix.augusta.edu. You can also access Citrix via my.augusta.edu. Bookmark this page.

  1. Download and install the Citrix workspace application.
  2. Login to Citrix through any web browser. Note that your first login will check the browser to detect the workspace app. Make sure to add a checkmark next to the "Open Citrix Workspave Launcher and Always all." Then, check "Already Installed."
  3. Click the Axium icon. Depending on the browser, it will download a small file. Click the file to run it.
  4. Login to the Axium window using your AU Net ID and password.

* For Mac OSX to install: Apple menu > System Preferences… > Security & Privacy > General tab - unlock file - choose Anywhere - lock file

If using Citrix off-campus, a multifactor authentication (MFA) account setup is required.

Desire2Learn Icon


7. Access Desire2Learn Learning Management System (D2L)

Log into Desire2Learn at using your net ID (lower case) and password.

Upon logging into D2L, review video tutorials linked under Student Assistance on the homepage to make sure you are ready to use AU’s learning management system for your first day of class.

Software Icon

8. Download & Install Available Software

Download and install the recommended software products below. Additional products are listed on the DCG Recommended Software webpage as well as the Information Technology website.

Mobile Icon

9. Ensure Mobile Device Compliance

Read the Mobile Device Encryption & Compliance Policy and make sure your mobile devices (smart phone, tablet, iPad, etc) are in compliance.

 PAWS Icon

10. Get familiar with my.augusta.edu/dcg, the DCG Resources Site

my.augusta.edu is Augusta University's internal web portal that provides a single point of access to a variety of content and core services. The DCG maintains a DCG Resources site that includes access to DCG policies, schedules and academic materials and resources. This site required login with Net ID and password.

Technical Support

If you need additional technical support or have trouble with your password, please contact the IT Helpdesk.