calendar icon  Saturday, March 15, 2025

clock-o icon  Sessions:
Saturday March 15:

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Conference Information

Conference Overview

The ISL Conference focuses on practical strategies for enhancing P-12 student learning. Concurrent sessions target teacher candidates, practicing teachers (new and veteran), as well as professors who teach teacher candidates and practicing teachers. Opportunities for participants to network with fellow educators are integrated throughout the day, and previous participants report that they were able to immediately implement the many new techniques learned at the conference in their own P-12 or higher education classrooms.


4 "G" Conference Strands

  • Growing the pipeline-elevating teaching as a profession

  • Growing community-developing partnerships to support learning

  • Growing ourselves-promoting the mental health and well-being of educators

  • Growing students-enhancing academic achievements through teaching and leading

2025 Conference Presentation Proposals

Effective educators know and use a variety of instructional strategies and approaches. This conference will provide a variety of 4 different formats that address issues relevant to effective teaching and learning at all levels and across a variety of subject areas. Session options this year are research posters, traditional presentation, roundtable discussion, and workshop model. For more information, please contact the Conference Coordinator Dr. Amy McClure ( We look forward to seeing you at our conference!

2024: Keynote Speaker:

2024 Keynote Speaker: Naesha L. Parks, Ed.S., Ed.D

woman in pink dress

Naesha L. Parks, Ed.S., Ed.D., is a luminary in the field of educational administration and leadership. Her journey began at Augusta University, where her passion for special education was born. Here, she didn't just learn the principles of teaching; she absorbed the essential qualities of leadership, empathy, and community engagement. This early foundation laid the groundwork for an illustrious career that stretches from the classroom to the upper levels of academic administration.

When Naesha stepped into her first role as a Special Education Teacher in Evans, Georgia, her colleagues immediately noticed something different. Beyond her competence was a

visionary's knack for seeing untapped potential—in students, in curricula, and in educational systems themselves. It was clear she was destined for a leadership role.

Ascending from teacher to Assistant Principal/Principal at Evans Elementary School, she took her first opportunity to enact substantial change. During her tenure, she not only managed instructional initiatives but also built a school culture anchored on inclusivity, achievement, and forward-thinking strategies. As her responsibilities expanded, so did her ability to adapt and innovate.

Her career took an intriguing turn in 2021 when she transitioned to the Director of Professional Learning & Teacher Development at the Columbia County Board of Education. In this role, Naesha has been an architect of change, driving professional development programs that introduce novel teaching and leading methodologies, all the while ensuring teacher/leader well-being and skill enhancement. She applies a systemic perspective, contributing to individual development and the holistic improvement of the educational system. She effortlessly merges data analysis with human understanding, providing robust programs that cater to unique needs.

Outside of her primary role, Dr.Parks has a footprint in the academic community that many would consider indelible. She is an Adjunct Professor at Augusta University and the Founder of Heart Matters Media, a consultative firm specializing in leadership development. The arc of her career also includes service on multiple boards, attesting to her commitment to a broad array of educational and social issues.

But Naesha's contributions extend beyond professional spheres. She serves on the Board of Directors for organizations like the CSRA American Heart Association and the CSRA Diversity Task Force, indicating her unwavering commitment to community welfare.

What sets Dr. Parks apart is not just her educational acumen, but her ability to enact meaningful, measurable change. Whether she's developing a new course, "Leading from Within: Why Teacher Leadership Matters," or serving as the SCAD Alliance Board Director, Naesha's influence is felt far and wide.

In a world that's desperate for leaders who can both dream and do, Dr. Naesha L. Parks stands as a compelling figure. Passionate, intelligent, and ceaselessly innovative, she remains dedicated to transforming the future of education. A visit to her personal website,, only confirms what her career has so vividly demonstrated: here is a professional who doesn't just navigate the existing landscape but also imagines—and creates—the path ahead.