Augusta University is closely monitoring the approaching winter storm. Out of an abundance of caution, in-person classes will be remote on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and in-person activities will be cancelled. More Info »
The DNRM Microscopy Facility houses two state-of-the-art Nikon A1R MP+ multiphoton/confocal
microscopes, one Nikon C1 confocal microscope, two Nikon inverted fluorescent microscopes,
and one Zeiss upright fluorescent microscope.
Fitted with environmental controlled chamber for live cell imaging
Zeiss Axioplan2 Fluorescent Microscope
Multi-channel fluorescent imaging
Color CCD camera
Ultramicroscope II Light-Sheet Microscope
The Ultramicroscope II has an infrared laser and a second tunable laser for acquisition
of up to three excitation channels (488/560/633). This system is capable of imaging
samples up to 8x8cm in aqueous or organic media in Zoom Body or Super Plan configuration.
In the Super Plan configuration with 12x objective, this system can acquire images
with a maximal XY resolution of 0.217 microns/pixel. Resolution in the z-axis is determined
by sample size, clearing efficacy, and laser configuration, but optical sections can
be acquired at user-specified intervals for subsequent registration, segmentation,
and high-throughput morphometric analysis. The departmental imaging facility also
has two analysis workstations; one with Neurolucida 360 Studio for automated neuron
tracing, dendritic spine and synapse detection, and a second with NeuroInfo software
for registration onto the Allen Brain Atlas, automated segmentation, and cell detection
(both from Microbrightfield). Users may schedule training sessions with Dr. Alexis
M. Stranahan (