The address to log into Box is:
When inviting a user as a collaborator within a folder, you will have the ability to set the level of access that user has to that folder's content. Refer to the listing below to review the different permissions that accompany each access level:
Click Share (dropdown) > Invite Collaborators |
Editor: An Editor has full read/write access to a folder. Once invited to a folder, they
will be able to view, download, upload, edit, delete, copy, move, rename, generate
and edit shared links, make comments, assign tasks, create tags, and invite/remove
collaborators. They will not be able to delete or move root level folders.
Co-Owner: A Co-Owner has all of the functional read/write access that an Editor does. This permission level has the added ability of being able to manage users in the folder. A Co-Owner can add new collaborators, change access levels of existing collaborators, and remove collaborators. However, they will not be able to manipulate the Owner of the folder or transfer ownership to another user.
Viewer-Uploader: This access level is a combination of Viewer and Uploader. A Viewer-Uploader has full read access to a folder and limited write access. They are able to preview, download, add comments, generate shared links, and upload content to the folder. They will not be able to add tags, invite new collaborators, edit, or delete items in the folder.
Previewer-Uploader: This access level is a combination of Previewer and Uploader. A user with this access level will be able to preview files using the integrated content viewer as well as upload items into the folder. They will not be able to download, edit, or share, items in the folder.
Viewer: A Viewer has full read access to a folder. Once invited to a folder, they will be able to preview, download, make comments, and generate shared links. They will not be able to add tags, invite new collaborators, edit shared links, upload, edit or delete items in the folder.
Previewer: A Previewer has limited read access. They will only be able to preview the items in the folder using the integrated content viewer. They will not be able to share, upload, edit, or delete any content.
Uploader: An Uploader has limited write access. They will only be able to upload and see the names of the items in a folder. They will not able to download or view any content.
To send a link that users can click on to access a file from your Box account,
Click Share (dropdown) > Get Shared Link |