URFA, formally known as the Phi Kappa Phi Student Research and Fine Arts Conference, is an opportunity for all undergraduate students of Augusta University to showcase their scholarly and artistic endeavors. The conference is jointly sponsored by CURS, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society, and the Summerville Interdisciplinary Research Office.
The conference program will be made available as a special issue of The Arsenal, Augusta University's Undergraduate Research Journal.
SAVE THE DATE: April 2, 2025
Summerville Campus Jaguar Student Activities Center (12 pm - 6:30 pm)
Awards and Reception at 5:30
URFA 2025 Abstract Acceptance Window: closed
Details about presentation types, time limits, formatting, technology, and due dates.
Need basic info about URFA? Got a question about URFA? We've got your answer. Scroll to the bottom of the page, If you don't find an answer please contact CURS@augusta.edu.
HARDY (RM 232) |
11:00 |
Presenter Check in Poster A Set Up |
12:00 |
Welcome |
12:50 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
1:00 |
Health and the Human Experience |
Physics Applications |
Poster Session A (1:00 - 2:00) |
Medicinal Chemistry (1:00 - 2:40) |
2:00 |
Poster B Set up |
2:30 |
Break |
Break |
Poster Session B (2:30 - 3:30) |
Break |
2:40 |
Genetics & Cellular Biology (2:40 - 4:00) |
Neurobiology & Cognition (2:40 - 3:40) |
Health, Society, & Technology (3:00 - 4:00) |
3:40 |
Break |
4:00 |
Art & Literature |
4 x 4 Showdown |
5:00 |
Break / Final Judging |
Break /Final Judging |
5:30 |
Award Cermeony, Research Distinctions & Reception |
The conference will allow several platforms for research, creative, and scholarly works. Please select the type of presentation(s) in which you wish to be considered. Students may request to participate in multiple sessions as long as the scholarship is different for each one. There is no limit to the number of submissions, however, each submission must be unique. For example, you may present your Criminal Justice research on a poster and also request to participate in a piano performance. Based upon space or time constraints, authors may be asked to modify presentation type well in advance of the conference.
Create a poster that can be viewed by an interdisciplinary audience and prepare to discuss your poster to visitors during your assigned browsing session. All student authors should be present at this time and prepared to discuss the project and answer questions. Judges will evaluate your poster, knowledge of the subject matter, delivery, and ability to answer questions. Evaluation rubrics will be provided to authors prior to the conference.
Oral presentations will be assigned a room and block of time to be present. All presenters should plan to be in the room for the entirety of the assigned session. Each presenter will be given 12 minutes, plus three minutes for Q/A. Students may use PowerPoint or other visual aids if desired. Judges will evaluate the talk, knowledge of the subject matter, delivery, and ability to answer questions. Evaluation rubrics will be provided to authors prior to the conference.
Students may showcase forms of art such as digital arts, paintings, drawings, sculptures, mixed media, textiles, and more to represent your art. All exhibitors are required to be present during the assigned session. Student artists should be prepared and available to explain their process and methods to viewers at the showing.
Students will prepare a 15 minute presentation including an introduction (up to approximately three minutes). This session may include (but not limited to) vocal, instrumentation, theater, or dance performances.
This presentation engages students to effectively explain their research (to an interdisciplinary audience) within four minutes utilizing four slides. Students should use no more than 20 printed words on the four slides. Moderators will time the presentations and the four-minute limit will be enforced.
When is the 2025 URFA Conference?
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 from about 12:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
How can I present at the URFA Conference?
CURS will put out a Call for Abstracts in early January. There are five presentation types: poster presentation, oral presentation, visual arts showcase, performance art showcase, and 4x4 Research Pitch Competition. All abstracts be approved by your faculty mentor prior to submission.
How do I write and format my abstract?
Abstracts should be modeled after those in your discipline. If you have never written an abstract, that's okay, but you need to seek guidance from your mentor and the Center for Writing Excellence. Be sure your mentor/ research advisor has approved of your abstract before you submit it.
Word count: 300-400 words.
Please follow the Abstract guidelines and examples from the CURS website and upload
it below as a WORD DOCUMENT.
Your WORD document should be named as follows Presenter1LastName.Presenter1FirstName.URFA2025
If your name is Makayla Preston, your file would be named Preston.Makayla.URFA2025
Please only list the primary author's name.
For assistance on how to write an abstract seek guidance from AU's Center for Writing
Excellence: https://www.augusta.edu/cwe/.
See also https://urc.ucdavis.edu/how-write-abstract.
What is the poster presentation?
Undergraduate researchers can present their work in the form of a research posters. Students display their work in a session ranging from 50-75 minutes. Presenters will answer questions and present their work to conference attendees during this time. A moderator will be available for questions and assistance. The poster session is judged. **Posters can be no larger than 32x36 inches.**
What is the oral presentation?
Undergraduate researchers can present their work in the form of an oral presentation. Typically there are three to five presentations per session. Oral presentations are typically 10-12 minutes with built in time for questions. A moderator will introduce each student and ensure the session runs on time. The oral presentations are judged.
What is the 4x4 presentation?
Undergraduate researchers can present their work in the form of the 4x4 presentation. Students must effectively explain their research to an interdisciplinary audience in four minutes utilizing four slides. The slides should be incredibly visual, with a limit of 20 words on the four slides. A moderator will introduce each student and ensure presentations fall within the time limit. The 4x4 is judged.
What is the Performance Showcase?
The Performance Showcase is an opportunity for students to share musical, dance, theatrical performances with the AU community. Special equipment/ location needs must be shared in the Abstract Submission. Performers will be expected to provide a two to four minute introduction to the piece including how the piece was generated, it's preparation, and significance.
What is the Visual Arts Showcase?
The Visual Arts Showcase is an opportunity for students to share artwork of paintings, sculpture, photography, printing and short films. Artists will be expected to provide a two to four minute introduction to the piece including how the piece was generated, it's preparation, and significance. If you have questions about presentation or set up options, please contact CURS.
How will I know if my research is accepted to the conference?
All accepted students will receive a letter of acceptance by email. This letter will explain all requirements for presenters and will include a schedule of presentations.
Can undergraduate students who are not enrolled at AU present?
At this time, presenters are limited to Augusta University undergraduates or graduates within the last six months. Other students, family members and community members are welcome to attend the event.
Can graduate students of AU participate?
Students who graduated from AU with a Bachelor’s degree in the recent fall term (the most recent December commencement) are welcome to present with approval from their mentor. Students who are current AU graduate students should look into the Graduate Research Day. Graduate students ARE eligible for judging or moderating the URFA sessions. Questions should be submitted to CURS@augusta.edu.
Are there prizes for participation?
Yes! Each session will have a certificate awarded to the top presentation author(s). Additionally, there will be cash prizes for the Best Poster, Oral, and 4x4 Showdown Presentations.
Does it cost to participate in URFA?
No. There are no registration fees to participate in URFA.
Will CURS print my poster for the conference?
Unfortunately, no we do not have the resources to print all the posters for URFA. Each presenter is responsible for printing their own poster prior to the conference. We can recommend University Copy and Print Center and the Center for Instruction and Innovation as on campus printing options. **Posters can be no larger than 32x36 inches.**
Does my 4x4 presentation need to be sent to CURS or on a flash drive?
The 4x4 presentations will need to be on a flash drive or submitted to a shared box folder. If a student presenter needs a flash drive, they can stop by the CURS office in Allgood Hall E330 to pick one up!
Can I present in the 4x4, oral, and poster presentation?
Only if the research/scholarship being presented is different from each other. A separate submission must be made for each presentation type.
Can my research group present as a team?
Yes. If your research group includes three people, all three students can present in the oral and poster presentation. However, the 4x4 is an individual presentation.
Can I choose my session?
The URFA Conference is intentionally interdisciplinary and welcomes participation from all disciplines. This means that scheduling is a detailed and complex process. We cannot accommodate personal schedules. Faculty, mentors and students should all be sure to plan ahead so that you can attend the full conference and support students engaging in co-curricular research.
What is a conference; How to Write an Abstract:
Printing Options:
Class Attendance Assignments:
Faculty may download and use these mini assignments for classes attending the conference. Feel free to use or modify questions to fit the objectives of your course. If you add questions or assignments, please share with CURS!