The DCG Admissions staff oversees the student recruitment, selection, and enrollment process. We strive for excellence in selecting students who will thrive at the Dental College of Georgia as we prepare them for an exciting and rewarding career in dentistry.
The program in Doctor of Dental Medicine is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation.
Associate Dean for Admissions
Associate Professor, Oral Biology
Director, Student Admissions and Diversity
Administrative Assistant, Student Admissions
Technical Standards
The Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University is a state-assisted institution with the primary goal of educating dental health care providers for the citizens of the state of Georgia. The ethical practice of dentistry requires intellectual ability, physical competence and personal responsibility. Therefore, all requirements for admissions to the DCG must be satisfactorily completed by each applicant. In addition to demonstrating personal characteristics appropriate for a career in a health care profession, qualification for admission and graduation requires satisfying the following general standards:
- Sufficient intellectual capacity to fulfill the curricular requirements of the various required basic science and clinical courses;
- Ability to communicate with patients, colleagues, faculty, staff and other members of the health care community;
- Ability to learn and safely perform the technical skills required to complete the dental curriculum; and
- Sufficient emotional stability and responsibility to withstand the stresses, uncertainties and changing circumstances that characterize the practice of dentistry.
Specific technical standards, based on clinical competencies and accreditation standards of the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association, are available from the DCG Office of Admissions.