A Space Request Form is required when a department wishes to change the function of a space, change its physical size and/or change its location.
Requestor should fill out the Space Request Form, obtain all signatures and submit to space_management@augusta.edu.
A Project Request Form is required for renovations (not routine maintenance) that is billable to the department.
Requestor should fill out the Project Request Form, obtain all signatures, and submit to designandconstruction@augusta.edu. An EVP signature is not needed for projects that will likely cost less than $5,000.
Requestor should fill out the Maintenance Request form for maintenance services. University customers also have the option of calling in a work order at (706) 721-2434 or sending an email to wmc@augusta.edu. Hospital and clinics customers can call in a work order at (706) 721-9675.
Requestor should fill out the Key Request form, print the completed form and fax to (706) 721-2139 for Health Sciences buildings or (706) 731-7970 for Summerville/Forest Hills buildings.
Asbestos Abatement Project Form
Contractor Badging (University and Medical Center)
Contractor Requirements and Regulations
Firewall Penetration Request (Medical Center)
P-Card Purchase Authorization Form