MCG Exemplary Teaching Award for Graduate Medical Education
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, 2015
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
OBGN 5000
Basic Clkshp OBGYN
OBGN 5016
Gynecology Boot Camp
OBGN 5009
OBGN 5007
Gynecologic Oncology Extn.
OBGN 5011
OB/GYN Research
ROBG 5000
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Selected Recent Publications
Pharmacogenetics as a predictor chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy in gynecologic cancer patients treated with Taxane-based chemotherapy, 2023 Journal Article, Professional Journal
Pure ovarian dysgerminoma in a postmenopausal patient: A case report and review of the management, 2022 Journal Article, Professional Journal
Clinical calculator redefines prognosis for high-risk early-stage ovarian cancers and potential to guide treatment in the adjuvant setting, 2022 Journal Article, Professional Journal
Clinical calculator redefines prognosis for high-risk early-stage ovarian cancers and potential to guide treatment in the adjuvant setting, 2022 Journal Article, Professional Journal
Society of Gynecologic Oncology recommendations for fellowship education during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Innovating programs to optimize trainee success , 2021 Journal Article, Academic Journal