Chunhong Yan
Academic Appointment(s)
Medical College of Georgia
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Medical College of Georgia
Department of Georgia Cancer Center
The Graduate School
Department of The Graduate School
Ph.D., Pharmacology
Peking Union Medical College, 1997
MS, Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Wuhan University, 1994
BS, Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Wuhan University, 1991
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
Selected Recent Publications
- A small-molecule inhibitor of MDMX suppresses cervical cancer cells via the inhibition of E6-E6AP-p53 axis., 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- A Novel Role for RNF126 in the Promotion of G2 Arrest via Interaction With 14-3-3σ., 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- Targeting squalene epoxidase interrupts homologous recombination via the ER stress response and promotes radiotherapy efficacy., 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- ATF3 promotes the serine synthesis pathway and tumor growth under dietary serine restriction., 2021
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- Therapeutic targeting of both dihydroorotate dehydrogenase and nucleoside transport in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma., 2021
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Research Interests
Main Area (e.g. research focus) of interest:
Role of the transcription factor ATF3 in the maintenance of genome stability;Role of ATF3 in the suppression of prostate cancer;Repurpose of mitochondrial uncouplers for treatment of cancer (e.g., prostate cancer and lung cancer)