Danny Yakoub

Section Chief

Danny Yakoub

Section Chief

Associate Professor

Academic Appointment(s)

Medical College of Georgia
Department of Surgery: Surgical Oncology


Dr. Yakoub graduated at University of Cairo, obtained his PhD degree at Imperial College London. He completed his surgical residency at Staten Island University Hospital in NYC, fellowship training in Complex General Surgical Oncology at the University of Miami. He practiced at the University of Miami, University of Tennessee Health Sciences, Mayo Clinic Health System before Joining AU.

  • (706) 721-4726
  • (706) 721-9136
  • Georgia Cancer Center, CN 3329


  • MBBCh, Medicine University of Cairo, 1998

  • MBBCHBAO, Medicine (MD) University of Cairo, 1998


  • PHY GA Composite Medical BRD, 2022

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • SURG 5000

    Basic Clkshp in SURG: Basic Surgery Clerkship
  • RSUR 5000

  • SURG 5007

    Surgery Sub-I: Sub I Surgical Oncology
  • SURG 5022

    Surgical Oncology Externship: Extern 2Wks, Surgical Oncology

Teaching Interests

Dr Yakoub is interested in teaching medical students as well as training surgical residents in the disciplines of upper gastrointestinal as well as liver, biliary and pancreatic surgery.

Research Interests

Clinical interests include the treatment of malignant as well as benign disorders of the esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, biliary system, small intestine and sarcomas. He is trained in laparoscopic and robotic surgery techniques.

Research interests include improving clinical outcomes in upper gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary pancreatic cancer patients through outcomes analysis as well as basic science research.