Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, General
Auburn University, 2002
MS, Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences
North Carolina State Universit, 1996
DVM, Veterinary Medicine
Tuskegee University, 1992
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
MEDI 5242
Mod 4: Digestive and Endocrine
MEDI 5252
Mod 5: Brain and Behavior
MEDI 5262
Mod 6: Multi-System Disorders
MEDI 5212
Mod 1: Hematology/Oncology
MEDI 5226
Mod 2: GU
MEDI 5232
Mod 3: Cardiopulmonary
Selected Recent Publications
The effect of antisense to NF-κB in an albumin microsphere formulation on the progression of left-ventricular remodeling associated with chronic volume overload in rats, 2014 Journal Article, Academic Journal
Age-related androgen deficiency and type 2 diabetes, 2011 Journal Article, Academic Journal
Review of the Therapeutic Uses of Liraglutide, 2011 Journal Article, Academic Journal
TNF-α inhibition attenuates adverse myocardial remodeling in a rat model of volume overload, 2009 Journal Article, Academic Journal
Review of pramlintide as adjunctive therapy in treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, 2008 Journal Article, Academic Journal