Louisa Martin
Assistant Professor
Academic Appointment(s)
College of Nursing
Department of Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program
Ph.D., Registered Nursing, Nursing Ad
Augusta University, 2022
MS, Registered Nursing/Registered
Northeastern University, 2015
BS, Nursing - Registered Nurse Tra
Medical College of Georgia, 2006
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
NURS 7830
Adv. Anatomy & Phys.
NURS 9051
DNP Project Inquiry & Change
NURS 7835
Adv. Princ. of Nursing Ane.
NURS 7832
Clinical Chemistry & Physics
NURS 7833
Adv. Pathophysiology
NURS 7834
Basic Prin. of Nursing Ane.
NURS 7475
Pop Health & Emerging Dis
NURS 9050
Strategies for Eff Prac Change
Teaching Interests
Basic Sciences (Chemistry and Physics in Nursing Anesthesia Practice; Anatomy and Physiology; Pathophysiology)
Vascular Anesthesia
Anesthesia Monitors
Research Interests
Incivility in the workplace
Incivility in nursing learning environments
Substance use disorder among healthcare professionals