Exemplary Teaching Award
Medical College of Georgia, 2017
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
GMED 5000
Basic Clerkship GMED
PHAS 5224
GMED 5021
Gastroenterology Extn.
RGAS 5000
Gastroenterology Hepatology
Selected Recent Publications
What Is Wrong With This Wireless Motility Capsule?, 2022 Journal Article, Academic Journal
The Off-Label Use of a Lumen-Apposing Metal Stent (LAMS) for a Benign Colon Anastomotic Stricture Causing Recurrent Bowel Obstruction in a Patient with Keloids., 2021 Other
Ischemic colitis: A forgotten entity. Results of a retrospective study in 118 patients, 2014 Journal Article, Academic Journal
Management of thrombocytopenia in advanced liver disease, 2014 Journal Article, Academic Journal
Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with dabigatran: A head-to-head comparative study with rivaroxaban, 2014 Journal Article, Academic Journal