Tiana Curry-McCoy

Program Director

Tiana Curry-McCoy

Program Director


Academic Appointment(s)

College of Allied Health Sciences
Department of Undergraduate Health Professions: Medical Laboratory, Imaging and Radiologic Sciences

College of Allied Health Sciences
Department of Undergraduate Health Professions

The Graduate School

Department of The Graduate School


Dr. Tiana Curry-McCoy has a doctorate in pathology/microbiology from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, where she specialized in hepatoxicology. She studied alveolar ethanol toxicology and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta. She teaches Clinical Laboratory Science students biochemistry and research.

  • (706) 721-9330
  • (706) 721-8293
  • EC 3338


  • MPA, Public Administration Georgia College & State Univer, 2018

  • MPH, Public Health, General Augusta University, 2016

  • Ph.D., Microbiology, General University of Nebraska Medical, 2009

  • BS, Biology/Biological Sciences, General Bennett College, 2002

Awards & Honors

  • • National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Faculty Sponsor Programs, 2023

  • Augusta University Certificate of Appreciation Honors Program 2019

  • Alpha Eta Induction Augusta University, 2018

  • Malcolm Moore Award Georgia College State University, 2018

  • Phi Kappa Phi Induction Georgia College Sate University, 2018

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • CLSC 7680

    Clin Biochem/Immun Internship
  • CLSC 4680

    Clinical Biochem/Immun Intern
  • CLSC 3640

    Clinical Biochemistry
  • CLSC 6640

    Clinical Biochemistry
  • CLSC 3645

    Clinical Biochemistry Lab
  • CLSC 6645

    Clinical Biochemistry Lab
  • CAHS 6524

    Project Development
  • CAHS 6503

    Research Process
  • CLSC 4501

    Seminar in CLS Evid Based Prct
  • RADT 4648

    Applied Project
  • CAHS 6501

    Evidence-Based Practice
  • CAHS 7523

    Research Project

Teaching Interests

Dr. Curry-McCoy teaches Clinical Laboratory Science students biochemistry and research, and continues her research interest in varying health related issues.


Selected Recent Publications

  • Analysis of recurrent Research Pathways for Assessing and Improving Effectiveness in Life Sciences Laboratories, 2023
    Journal Article, Academic Journal
  • Laboratory Values, 2019
    Book, Chapter in Textbook-Revised
  • Laboratory Values, 2019
    Book, Chapter in Textbook-Revised
  • Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function, 2015
  • Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function Workbook, 2015
    Book, Chapter in Textbook-Revised

Research Interests

The Cellular Function Laboratory conducts basic science research in cell biology, cellular mechanism, inflammation, molecular biology, pathology, and biochemistry. Its main research goal is to examine the effects of alcohol metabolism on normal and obese cellular systems to observe mechanistic changes that may later be treated and/or reversed, and translate this research to patient care. Dr. Curry-McCoy also trains student researchers and mentors master's research projects for Clinical Laboratory Science graduate students.

Department Service

  • CLS Promotion and Tenure Committee 2018 - Present

    Role: Committee Chair
  • UHP Curriculum Review 2018 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • MILRS Orientation Committee 2017 - Present

    Role: Committee Chair
  • Clinical Laboratory Science Program Advisory Committee 2012 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • MILRS Safety Manual Committee 2014 - 2016

    Role: Committee Chair

College Service

  • CAHS Faculty Senate Representative 2021 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • CAHS SLO Evaluator 2021 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • CAHS Strategic Plan Development Committee 2020 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • SLO Evaluator 2019 - Present

    Role: Other
  • CAHS Dean’s Cabinet 2017 - Present

    Role: Committee Member

University Service

  • AU Celebration of Faculty Awards Committee 2021 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • AU Faculty Senate By Laws Committee 2021 - Present

    Role: Committee Member
  • Faculty Development Committee 2020 - Present

    Role: Committee Chair
  • Augusta University Faculty Senate 2020 - Present

    Role: Committee Chair
  • Honors Program Search Committee 2018 - Present

    Role: Committee Member

Public Service

  • CH Terrell Foundation Board 2017 - Present

    Role: Chair
  • Stevens Creek Elementary Science Fair 2017 - Present

    Role: Committee Chair
  • C.H. Terrell Academy Foundation 2009 - 2017

    Role: Board Member
  • Glenn Hills Middle School Summer STEM Program/ Advisor 2014 - 2015

    Role: Workshop Organizer