You may purchase coverage that would pay you a benefit of 60% of your weekly earnings. The maximum STD benefit you could receive from the coverage you purchase is $2,500 per week. If you have a qualifying disability claim, your STD benefits will be payable beginning on the 15th day of disability. You do not have to use or exhaust your accumulated sick leave before you are eligible to use your STD benefits. As long as you remain disabled as defined by your policy, your STD benefit is payable for a maximum of 11 weeks starting on the 15th day after the disability begins.
NOTE: The duration of the disability benefit is directly related to the type and cause of your disability and has nothing to do with Maternity Leave as provided for under the Family Medical Leave Act or any other Leave of Absence Program available through your employer due to pregnancy. Being pregnant is not in and of itself a “disability”.
Any new enrollment will require evidence of insurability (EOI).
Rate per $10 of covered benefit $0.291.