The Center for Instructional Innovation  offers workshops and learning labs to provide pedagogically sound tips and strategies for teaching with technology, as well as hands on labs that focus on the use of instructional tools.

Past Offerings


Did you miss a workshop? Recordings and other resources from past workshops are available from our CII Teaching with Educational Technology  LMS Course. To gain access to any of our past offerings just contact CII and request to be registered!

Already registered in the course?

Past Offerings

  • Teaching with Ed Tech : Data Part 1
  •  Teaching with Ed Tech : Video Part 3
  • Teaching with Ed Tech : Video Part 2   
  • Teaching with Ed Tech : Video Part 1
  • Tools for Implementing a Course Communication Policy
  • Tools for Managing Student Inquiries and Course Communications
  • Tools for Soliciting Student Feedback
  • Tools for Peer-to-Peer Interactions
  • Tools for Tracking Student Progress
  • Tools for Meeting With Students
  • Make Course Prep Easy with D2L
  • Maintaining Up-to-Date Grades and Tracking Student Progress (D2L Gradebook)
  • Tools for Direct Instruction
  • AU IT Learning Lab Series: Insert Stuff-Direct Instruction
  • Tools for Providing Timely Assessment and Personalized Feedback
  • All about Rubrics