Initial training for making bedside procedures safer is June 30 for all new residents and fellows. You will be assigned to a group. You must review the material below before training.
A substantial body of evidence points to medical errors as a leading cause of death and injury. Multiple studies have demonstrated that between 3 and 4% of patients experience injuries as a result of medical management during a hospital admission. Approximately half of the adverse injuries are preventable. Deaths due to preventable adverse events exceed the deaths attributable to motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer and AIDS. Total national costs are estimated to be between $37.6 billion and $50 billion for adverse events and between $17 billion and $29 billion for preventable adverse events, accounting for approximately 4% and 2 % of national healthcare expenditures.
The Making Healthcare SAFER initiative is a hospital wide interspecialty, interprofessional initiative to decrease learner associated procedural errors that can lead to patient morbidity and mortality. This includes both mechanical complications as well as health care – associated infections. Both of these complications increase the cost of the care we deliver to our patients as well as affecting our national quality scores and health system reputation.
videos to review:
NG tube
IV placement
Urinary Catheter placement
Blood Glucose Monitoring
PIV Insertion
Securing Devices
Preventing Falls
IO Placement
Preventing CAUTI
Preventing CLABSI
Peripheral IV Insertion
NG Tube Insertion
Urinary Catheters
Preventing VAP
Art Line Placement
Lumbar Puncture