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Bilingualism and multilingualism are prized skills in the global marketplace, and the processes of learning and acquiring a language facilitate neural development and mental flexibility. Our advanced courses range from the scientific study of language to the integrative study of literature, helping our students to be better prepared for graduate/advanced studies and the job market.
Students in the World Languages Program learn to analyze texts, to write in a variety of modes and for different audiences, to conduct independent and collaborative research, and to understand domestic and global cultures through language study. The French and Spanish concentrations provide opportunities for students to study literature, linguistics, civilization & history, writing, translation, and interpretation. Students also work closely with faculty on academic research. Those who are interested in teaching often follow the Secondary Teacher Certification path, which helps them to develop the content knowledge they need along with experience in the classroom.
The World Languages Placement Exam
Heritage or native speakers and students who have taken the language in high school should take the
World Languages Placement Exam
The exam is administered in the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) platform. Please contact the department at
English & World Languages
Summerville Campus
Suite E-227
Mailing Address: 1120 15th Street, AH-E227 Augusta, GA 30912
The Spanish and French concentrations prepare students to analyze complex information, to write for a variety of audiences, and to conduct and present research. Our students regularly go on to graduate programs, med school, dental school, and law school. They also regularly go on to have successful careers in education, business, translation, interpretation, and broadcasting.
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