Augusta University music education students are active on campus and in the state through the GMEA (Georgia Music Educators Association) and NAfME (National Association for Music Education). The coursework, observation hours and teaching apprenticeship prepare these future educators to step into a public school teaching position upon graduation.

Music Education License Disclosure Statement

Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) and 34 CFR 66.43 (c) require disclosure by all educational institutions regarding educational requirements for programs leading to professional licensure or certification.  Please carefully review the information provided in the program's disclosure statement for the B.A in Music Education

Degree Programs


Bachelor of Music in Music Education (Instrumental)

The Bachelor of Music in Music Education prepares students for careers as K-12 music teachers in public and private schools.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education (Instrumental)
Female student singing

Bachelor of Music in Music Education (Vocal)

The Bachelor of Music in Music Education prepares students for careers as K-12 music teachers in public and private schools.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education (Vocal)

Meet the Music Education Faculty