Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

NMTRC012: PEDS-PLAN--Pediatric Precision Laboratory Advanced Neuroblastoma Therapy - A study using molecular guided therapy with induction chemotherapy followed by a randomized controlled trial of standard immunotherapy with or without DFMO followed by DFMO maintenance for subjects with newly diagnosed high-risk neuroblastoma

The purpose of this study is to evaluate an investigational drug (DFMO) for neuroblastoma in children. The study will look at the ability of the study drug combined with standard immunotherapy in keeping the tumor (neurblastoma) in remission. The study also will identify biologic treatment targets unique to a patient's individual tumor.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Brief inclusion description: Children/young adults 21 or younger with a diagnosis of neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroblastoma. Subjects must have good cardiac (heart), liver and renal (kidney) function to participate. Subjects cannot be taking other investigational drugs.

Contact Information

    Kimberly Gray, BBA, CCRC

    (706) 721-1870