Guido Verbeck, PhD
Department Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Professor, Chemistry
Dr. Guido F. Verbeck, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, is an expert is mass spectrometry, specifically instrument design and development. Dr. Verbeck received his PhD as a Proctor & Gamble fellow in chemistry at Texas A&M University. Dr. Verbeck has developed mass spectrometers and chemical instruments over the past 23 years, and has been a member of the analytical community for 27 years. His appointment is at the Augusta University where he continues to design novel ion optical devices for miniaturization, preparative, and analytical mass spectrometry, and is the Director for the Laboratory of Imaging Mass Spectrometry. In this appointment Dr. Verbeck has received $5M in external funding, 90 peer reviewed publications, 15 awarded patents and 12 applications, and graduated 26 graduate students in instrument development. He is currently an editor with the Journal of Analytical Oncology and the Journal of the Society for Mass Spectrometry. Dr. Guido Verbeck continues to develop new mass spectrometers specifically for single-cell analysis for cancer biomarkers, nanoparticle development for pharmaceutical and toxicological biochemical effects, and determining the biological mechanisms for biomolecular condensates.
The focus of the Verbeck Lab is on discovery and mitigation of unique research needs, to aid the researcher in forwarding their programs. The lab has a student-centered approach, where 2 training courses are conducted a year, and analyses are performed by the student. We offer a suite of mass spectrometry and imaging instruments with applications in chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology, environmental, forensic, and material science.
The following support equipment is found within Dr. Verbeck’s laboratories, the Laboratory for Imaging Mass Spectrometry, and will be accessible for this project, GE-4040 BC.
Mass Spectrometry