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Augusta University is committed to creating a culture of well-being, where our faculty and staff can lead healthy and fulfilling lives at work and at home.

We are increasing opportunities for you to participate in comprehensive programs that help you achieve well-being in all the aspects of your life:  physical, mental, financial, and work/life balance.  This site provides a central location for relevant programs, services, and events available at Augusta University and in the community to assist you in achieving your best life . . . JAG WELL!

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AU Well-Being

Well-Being Programs

USG Well-being Events

A system wide culture and environment of well-being. Create a comprehensive approach to achieving well-being that engages and empowers the entire USG community.

USG Well-being Events

USG Employee Assistance Program

KEPRO is an employee assistance program which offers a variety of resources to our employees including but not limited to, counseling (of all types), cost analysis, training, research resources and more.

USG Employee Assistance Program

Employee-Faculty Assistance Program

The Medical College of Georgia provides an on-campus assessment and counseling program for employees, faculty, house staff, graduate students and for the immediate members of their family.

Employee-Faculty Assistance Program

Financial Well-being

Resources to help you meet your financial goals now and in the future. Money Mondays, one-on-one meetings, retirement sessions, and more are at your disposal from the USG/AU well-being teams.

Financial Well-being

Tobacco Cessation

Let us help you and the people you care about quit tobacco for life! We offer an integrative approach to help tobacco users quit successfully. This includes cigarette, cigar and hookah smokers, electronic-cigarette users, and spit tobacco users.

Tobacco Cessation

AU Campus Recreation

The goal of our Campus Recreation center is to help our members improve their quality of life and increase overall fitness.  Whatever your personal wellness goals might be, our team of exercise professionals is specially trained to help you create a plan to reach them.

AU Campus Recreation
ROTC students running on campus

Get in Shape with AU ROTC

Practice and participate in early morning cardio sessions on the Summerville campus with cadets in the ROTC program.

Well-Being Events

Augusta University events aimed to cultivate a culture and environment of well-being. Create a comprehensive approach to achieving well-being that stimulate and empower the entire AU well-being community.

Your Health News

people using VR headsets

Using Virtual Reality to improve patient experiences with funding from Unite in the Fight

A hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), sometimes called a bone marrow transplant, is when a patient is administered healthy hematopoietic stem cells. This transplant can be to treat blood cancers or disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, sickle cell anemia, or bone marrow failures. Patients who undergo HSCT often experience side effects like mucositis,… Continue Reading Using Virtual Reality to improve patient experiences with funding from Unite in the Fight

Continue reading Using Virtual Reality to improve patient experiences with funding from Unite in the Fight
Georgia Cancer Center Whole-Person Healing Initiative – Phase 2

Phase 2 of the Whole-Person Healing Initiative Underway Thanks to Unite in the Fight

Cancer treatments are often physically and mentally challenging for patients, and reducing stress is often an afterthought. To promote mental and emotional health, the ‘Whole Person Initiative’ takes unused spaces in the Georgia Cancer Center’s Outpatient Clinic and turns them into areas which are soothing and supportive to patients and staff members. “The GCC Whole-Person… Continue Reading Phase 2 of the Whole-Person Healing Initiative Underway Thanks to Unite in the Fight

Continue reading Phase 2 of the Whole-Person Healing Initiative Underway Thanks to Unite in the Fight
doctors checking patients skin

Unite in the Fight Funds Expanding Access to Skin Cancer Screening through Teledermatology

Skin cancer remains the most common cancer in the United States, with over 100,000 diagnoses projected in 2025 according to the American Cancer Society. It is also projected that by 2040 it will become the second most frequent cause of cancer-related deaths. “Specialty health care, in particular skin cancer screening and dermatologic care, remains beyond… Continue Reading Unite in the Fight Funds Expanding Access to Skin Cancer Screening through Teledermatology

Continue reading Unite in the Fight Funds Expanding Access to Skin Cancer Screening through Teledermatology

Dietary Changes and Colorectal Cancer Prevention

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month and, fortunately, this type of cancer comes with several nutrition recommendations that can reduce your risk. Because what you eat goes through your colon, it can play a big role in your cancer risk. Let’s take a look at what foods you should reduce or avoid and which ones… Continue Reading Dietary Changes and Colorectal Cancer Prevention

Continue reading Dietary Changes and Colorectal Cancer Prevention

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Well-being topic that encompasses monthly values that are near and dear to AU’s heart.

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