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Jags Live Well is a student-focused initiative promoting a lifestyle of holistic wellness. Living holistically aids in student success and retention. This initiative acts to educate students on the various dimensions of wellness and provides resources for overall well-being.  Each dimension of wellness affects your overall quality of life and striving for holistic wellness will help you achieve all of your goals.  These dimensions include emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, financial, social, environmental, and spiritual well-being.

8 Dimensions of Wellness


Emotional Wellness

Being able to express feelings, adjust to emotional challenges, cope with life's stressors, and enjoy life.

Physical Wellness

Maintaining a healthy body with exercise, nutrition, sleep, and appropriate health care.

Financial Wellness

Understanding your finances and balancing your income with debt and savings.

Social Wellness

Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system

Spiritual Wellness

Defining personal beliefs and values and creating meaning, purpose, and peace in life

Intellectual Wellness

Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills

Occupational Wellness

Exploring work that reflects personal values, interests, and beliefs

Environmental Wellness

Preserving our environment and spending time relaxing and exploring outdoor spaces.



Augusta University Health

Your Health Today

Your Health Today is a hub of wellness resources presented by Augusta University Health.

A bowl of food on a table

Nutrition’s role in cervical cancer care and treatment

With January being Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, the Dietitians at the Georgia Cancer Center wanted to take time to discuss nutrition and cervical cancer, along with all other gynecological cancers. When looking into cancer prevention and survivorship in general, diet and exercise often come up. It is true several cancer types are linked to excessive weight and physical inactivity, including uterine and ovarian cancers. General healthy eating, such as a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and routine exercise can help reduce these risks.

Pills laying in a row

Should You Take Dietary Supplements to Fight Cancer?

Following a cancer diagnosis, it’s not unusual for individuals to research ways to boost immunity. Oftentimes, patients will head to the pharmacy and purchase an over the counter supplement without consulting their physician or dietitian. Not the smartest move. Many dietary supplements are associated with adverse reactions that may or may not affect the effectiveness of cancer treatment. Therefore, it is imperative that prior to implementation you discuss the usage of dietary supplements with your doctor and/or dietitian.

Vegetables on a wooden table

Is organic best for reducing cancer risk?

Some consumers these days make a huge deal that organic foods are better than non-organic foods. But that is not entirely true. First off, what is organic? Organic foods are foods that follow the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) specific guidelines of growing, maintaining, and processing foods to earn the USDA certified organic seal if they are 100% organic.

Asian woman holding a glass of milk

Soy, Dairy, and Cancer

Soy and dairy products have been controversial in the past whether they increase or decrease the risk of cancers. This confusion has continued to grow due to the lack of easy to interpret information available to the public. With the continued research throughout the years, studies have shown that when cancer patients incorporate soy and […]