Communities are experiencing a shortage of well-trained healthcare professionals.
These Health Careers videos allow students, teachers and adults to see opportunities in many fantastic careers that pay high dividends with job satisfaction, earning capacity, and mobility while touring the facilities where health professionals work.
Many healthcare facilities no longer allow tours or individual shadowing for safety/privacy reasons. Therefore we invite you to learn more about healthcare providers and delivery of care settings in Georgia through the following videos.
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Which type of video would you like to watch?
Public Health Department Tour
Understanding Mental Health a discussion with Mental Health professionals Mental Health
Mental Health Center Tour
Communicating with Mental Health Clients
Mental Health Careers - Could This be right for you?
Sleep Disorders Center Tour
Respiratory Therapist
Social Worker
Respiratory Therapy Tour
Cardiovascular Technology
Tour a Facility: A Chiropractic Office
Tour a Facility: The Women and Children's Pavilion at Northeast Georgia Medical Center
Tour a Facility: A Community Health Center
Tour a Facility: The Georgia Southern University Simulation Lab
Tour a Facility: Sleep Disorders Center
Respiratory Therapy Tour
Pastoral Institute Facility Tour 2013
Northeast Georgia Medical Center Laboratory Services
Mental Health Center Tour
Cardiac Catheterization Lab
Tour - Columbus Technical College Nursing and Health Science Educational Programs
The Rehabilitation Institute, Northeast Georgia Medical Center
Public Health Department Tour
Day in the Life of an Athletic Training Student
Georgia Southern University Medical Laboratory Science Program