Note: Entry into the Medical Illustration Graduate Program (MIGP) occurs only in the Fall semester, which starts in mid-August.
The Medical Illustration Graduate Program within the College of Allied Health Sciences at Augusta University is one of only four such programs in the country. Completion of the twenty-one-month curriculum in Medical Illustration results in a Master of Science in Medical Illustration degree granted through the College of Graduate Studies. Augusta University is part of the University System of Georgia. Please visit our Program page for further information.
Begin your application by completing the official AU online graduate student application for admission. In addition, the MIGP requires completion of the MIGP Applicant Summary Form and Questionnaire.
Medical Illustration
Health Sciences Campus
1474 Laney Walker Blvd.
Augusta, GA 30912
Portfolio must be submitted directly to the Medical Illustration Graduate Program online through It must be received by midnight January 10. Specific information and instructions for the contents and submission of the Applicant Digital Portfolio of Artwork can be found in the MIGP Applicant Digital Portfolio instructions. MIGP Applicant Summary Form and Questionnaire will be submitted with your portfolio.
All applicants must complete an Online Application for Graduate Programs and submit all required application materials to the Office of Academic Admissions
by midnight January 10.
Note: All required application materials and documents must be received in order for an
application to be considered complete and before an admission decision can be made. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
The MIGP Admissions Committee will review all complete applications, and those applicants who meet or exceed the minimum requirements for program entry may be invited for an interview. Only complete applications will be considered. An interview is required for admission to the MIGP.
Overall GPA
A minimum overall or cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required. Meeting the minimum requirement is not a guarantee of interview or admission. Please keep in mind the competitive nature of the program—we can only accept nine students per year. The average cumulative GPA among successful applicants over the last 3 years was 3.6.
Science GPA
A minimum science course GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required. For the purposes of applying to the Medical Illustration Graduate Program, the science GPA is defined as including all Anatomy, Biology, Physiology, and Zoology related courses. Meeting the minimum requirement is not a guarantee of interview or admission. Keep in mind the competitive nature of the program. The average cumulative GPA among successful applicants over the last 3 years was 3.4
In addition, an applicant must earn at least a "B" (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) in the science prerequisite courses of Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Human Physiology.
A minimum of a Bachelor's degree (or the equivalent) from an accredited college or university is required for entry into the program. To be used to satisfy degree requirements, evaluation of foreign transcripts must show a degree earned that is the U.S. equivalency of a Bachelor's degree or higher.
As of August 1, 2023, the GRE is no longer required. For students who would like your GRE to be considered, please submit GRE Scores as part of your application.
Official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test scores are required for applicants whose first language is not English. More detailed information about required minimum scores can be found at the Office of Admissions, International. The institution code for submission of TOEFL scores to Augusta University is 5406. Please do not select a department code.
Exemption from the TOEFL requirement is allowed for graduate students who submit proof of earning a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college/university where English is the language of instruction.
Official transcripts are required from ALL universities, colleges, and/or academic institutions (including museum schools) ever attended. This includes any transient courses, joint enrollment, and/or transfer credits. Only in the case of transcripts from international colleges/universities will an official course-by-course transcript evaluation be accepted in lieu of an official transcript. Official transcripts should be sent electronically by the issuing institution’s Registrar directly to
Alternatively, a printed transcript may be mailed; however, to remain official, all printed transcripts must remain in the original, unopened, sealed, and stamped/signed envelope from the Registrar's Office of the issuing institution. Mail printed transcripts to:
Office of Graduate Admissions Operations
Summerville Campus, Benet House
2500 Walton Way Augusta, GA 30904
An official, professional, course-by-course evaluation based on official transcripts and documents is required for all foreign educational transcripts and documents from one of the following three credentials evaluation services: Josef Silny & Associates, Inc., World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE). Silny and WES are recommended. Official transcript evaluations based on unofficial transcripts, documents or copies will not fulfill this requirement.
Regarding transfer of course credits and advanced placement from another university towards a degree program at Augusta University (AU), the Dept. of Medical Illustration and the Medical Illustration Graduate Program (MIGP) adhere to the regulations set forth by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and the policies established by AU. In addition, we also follow the TGS Transfer Credit transfer credit policies of The Graduate School. The Dept. of Medical Illustration and the MIGP have the following specific policies concerning admissions and course registration:
Recommendations (which include both completion of the reference form and a letter of recommendation) from three individuals are required. Referees should be individuals qualified to critically assess the applicant's prior academic (usually college professors), employment, artistic, research and/or clinical experience (clinical or research supervisor/manager) and qualifications (as applicable) as well as the applicant's potential as a graduate student in the field/program selected.
Recommendations can be submitted online only. Within the application, you will provide the names and current email addresses for three individuals you have asked to serve as your recommenders. Once your application is submitted, each recommender will receive an email notification directing them to the online site where they can complete their recommendation.
Prerequisite Coursework
Undergraduate coursework must include the following:
* A combined Human Anatomy & Physiology course with lab may be an acceptable substitute for the above two pre-requisites. Substitution is subject to review and approval by the Medical Illustration Graduate Program Admissions Committee.
Fine Art:
There are no specific art courses required; however, we strongly recommend the following:
†† Formal university courses are not required for applicants who have already earned baccalaureate degrees, though we strongly recommend them. Regardless of the applicant’s artistic background, life drawing, realistic drawing, painting and computer graphic skills are critical to a modern medical illustrator’s success, and so they are weighed very heavily in the application portfolio. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in all of these areas in the submitted portfolio.
Recommended Courses:
In addition, any of the following courses are recommended but none are required:
All portfolios are evaluated the same, regardless of the applicant’s undergraduate major.
All applicants must submit a digital portfolio of original creative work. The Applicant Digital Portfolio (ADP) must be submitted online following the instructions for the MIGP Applicant Digital Portfolio. The ADP must be submitted as a PowerPoint, using the MIGP PowerPoint Template. The ADP must be received by midnight on January 10. The portfolio must contain 20 pieces of original creative work. Specific required works are listed below. All artwork must be drawn from direct observation (not from photographic or video reference unless the photo or video was taken by the applicant).
Guidance for Applicants on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Applicants to the Augusta University Medical Illustration Graduate Program should not use visual AI tools or photographs taken by others to create their portfolio pieces. The portfolio submitted should represent work that the applicants themselves have created. Using AI-generated content or photos taken by someone else would make it hard to attribute the work authentically to the applicants. So, portfolio pieces created using these tools are not accepted.
Portfolio Contents
The portfolio must include the following 20 pieces:
Five (5) life drawings, including at least two long poses (3 hours or more) |
We request drawings and/or paintings of the human form because they give us an idea of an applicant's ability to perceive and render functional structure, proportion and light on forms in a realistic manner. Rendering of fine detail is of secondary concern. Images must be drawn from direct observation of a live model and without the use of photography. Full-figure nude (undraped) drawings are preferred. However, in-depth studies of limbs or isolated features may also be submitted. Portraits, including self-portraits, are encouraged. We also like to see fore-shortened views of the figure. These drawings do not need to have been draw during a formal class |
Life (figure) drawing examples |
Three (3) gesture drawings (may be on the same page) |
We request gestural figure drawings of the human form because they demonstrate an applicant’s ability to perceive and capture dynamic forms in a variety of poses. Typically, a gestural drawing is rendered in 1 – 5 minutes. Full-figure nude (undraped) drawings are preferred. Groups of gestural drawings on a single page may be submitted. Gesture drawings of animals may also be submitted |
Gesture drawing examples |
Two (2) drawings of hands (life-size, tonal studies preferred) |
We request drawings and/or paintings of hands because they also give us an idea of an applicant's ability to perceive and render functional structure, proportion and light on forms in a realistic manner. In addition, asking applicants to submit images of hands better allows us to qualitatively and objectively compare and contrast between applicant portfolios. Rendering of fine detail is of secondary concern, but it is still important. Images must be drawn from direct observation of a live model and without the use of photography. We prefer tonal studies, but drawings may be either in black & white or in color. Hands should be drawn approximately life size, and may be shown in repose or in action |
Hand drawing examples |
Three (3) realistic still life studies in full color |
We request still-life drawings and/or paintings in color because they give us an idea of an applicant's ability to perceive, render and use color as well as light on form. Still-life studies also afford us an opportunity to assess the applicant's skill with design and composition. In addition, we look at the applicant's use of perspective. Images must be drawn from direct observation and without the use of photography. Note: Please do not include medical illustrations among these compulsory pieces. |
Still-life study examples |
One (1) image created with vector- or bézier-based graphic software such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw |
We request at least one image created with software such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw because it will demonstrate an applicant’s experience or skill level in digital image creation using only bézier curves (splines), lines, and shapes. While we do use Illustrator as one of our standard tools, you may use whatever vector-based software to which you have access. |
Vector image examples |
One (1) image created with raster- or pixel-based graphic software such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Painter |
We request additional samples for the same reasons discussed previously, but the choice of subject and genre is yours. These images may be representational or photorealistic. They may be tonal or in color. |
Raster image examples |
Two (2) additional examples of realistic drawing or painting |
We request additional samples for the same reasons discussed previously, but the choice of subject and genre is yours. These images may be representational or photorealistic. They may be tonal or in color. |
Three (3) additional works either in drawing or painting, or photos if your additional examples are 3-dimensional objects such as sculptures, models, or 3D prints, etc. |
We request additional samples for the same reasons discussed previously, but the choice of subject and genre is yours. Consider submitting imaginative/fantasy artwork, sculpture, graphic design, or animation. These images may be representational or photorealistic. These additional works may be in line, tone, or color. |
The Medical Illustration Graduate Program Admissions Committee will review all complete applications. If the preliminary evaluation is satisfactory, applicants may be invited for an interview with the Admissions Committee in the department. While an in-person visit to the department is best for all concerned, interviews can be conducted online. Interviews are by invitation only, and successful completion of the interview is required for admission. All interviews will be scheduled for January or February, or occasionally in March. Travel to and from Augusta, as well as hotel arrangements for the interview, are the responsibility of the applicant.
A formal portfolio review is part of the in-person interview. The applicant must bring a portfolio of artwork that includes 20 images, including the 17 required pieces for the Applicant Digital Portfolio of Artwork (see above). Also, bringing a sketchbook(s) to display is highly recommended. For the convenience of the applicant, photographs may be substituted for very large pieces or sculptures. All works must be tangible originals or prints; no digital presentations, eBooks or websites will be allowed.
The successful applicant will have:
*Substitutions and/or waivers of minimum requirements must first be supported and
approved by the Program Director and department Chairman, as well as by the Dean of
The Graduate School. Substitutions and/or waivers are rarely granted, and then only
under extraordinary circumstances.
**While every effort is made to maintain this information as current, it may be subject to change. Please check with Augusta University’s Office of Academic Admission for recent updates.
***Applications deferred to another year are subject to all admission requirements and program requirements in effect for the year to which they are deferred.
Proof of Lawful Presence
In accordance with Board of Regents Policy 4.1.6, all applicants for admission to Augusta University are required to provide validation of lawful presence in the United States. Acceptance to Augusta University is conditional until lawful presence is verified. ALL applicants who are US Citizens must submit documentation that verifies his/her lawful presence in the United States at time of application to the Office of Admissions.
Testing and Disability Services
The Office of Disability Services provides a variety of services and accommodations to meet the needs of disability related concerns in accordance with the Americans with Disability Act – Amended Act (2008), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Board of Regents' policies. Accommodations for students with disabilities are made on an Individual basis.
For more information, please email or visit the Testing & Disability Services website.
The Medical Illustration Graduate Program will review your application and supporting documents. Interviews will be scheduled and considered by the program. Taken together, the whole of your application should demonstrate substantial preparation for graduate study in the field of medical illustration.
Decision Notification
Upon recommendation of the Medical Illustration Graduate Program, The Graduate School will review your credentials and applicant profile and make a formal, official decision for your admittance. Official notice of your admission can only come from the Dean of The Graduate School via notification from Augusta University's Office of Academic Admissions.