Council of Excellence Leaders
A Collaborative Committee
The Council of Excellence Leaders is a university-wide committee, sponsored by the
Institutional Access, Success, & Belonging that meets quarterly. The council serves
as a key collaborative partner with the Institutional Access, Success, & Belonging
(ASB) and includes approximately 20 members from across university colleges/schools/departments/units.
These members were recommended by ASB team or institutional leadership.
CEL Directory
Garrett Green
Associate Vice President,
Institutional Access, Success, and Belonging
Liana Babayan
Associate Professor, CAHSS
Tomeka Few
Assistant Professor, CAHS
Kristie Johnson
Institutional Access, Success, and Belonging
Rebecca Berger
Director, Testing and Disability Services
Shareen Clement
Director, Multicultural Student Engagement
Doug Blackburn
Assistant VP, Instruction Services
Vanessa Spearman-McCarthy
Darla Linville
Associate Professor, COEHD
Stefane Raulerson
Director, Military and Veteran Services
Angela Young
Program Manager,
Institutional Access, Success, and Belonging
Lorraine Odhiambo
Assistant Professor, SPH & BDSE
Jonathan Ruiz-Ramie
Assistant Professor,
Stacy Roberts
Lecturer, Hull College of Business
Kerri Wilson
AVP, Financial Plan & Analysis
Hannah Bennett
Program Manager
Assistant Professor, COEHD
Kelli Erb-Scarbrough
Manager, Organizational Development
Human Resources
Jashawn Boles
Administrative Assistant II
Institutional Access, Success, and Belonging
Celeste Stewart
Head Women's Basketball
Elizabeth Canas
Manager, Social Media
Communications & Marketing
Ashley Strong-Green
Director, Academic Planning & Assessment
Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Za'Cuan McNeil
Learning and Development Coordinator,
Institutional Access, Success, and Belonging
Anthony Roberson
Wellstar MCG Health
Gokila Dorai
Assistant Professor, SCCS
Morgan Whaley
Enterprise Application Services
Tracy Brickey
College of Nursing
Elena Petrova
Student Counseling