Teledermatology Serving Georgia is a program sponsored by the Georgia Cancer Center and the Department of Dermatology at Augusta University.
Funding has been provided by the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service, Distance Learning & Telemedicine Grants Program (2020-2024), Georgia Society of Dermatology & Dermatological Surgery, and the Georgia Cancer Center’s Unite in the Fight Against Cancer program.
About Program Mission Technology Participating ClinicsTeam
Georgia Cancer Center
Health Sciences Campus
GCC - M. Bert Storey Research Building
(706) 721-0570
The goal of this program is to reduce health disparities and inequities in skin cancer screening for people living in rural, underserved, or underpopulated regions of the State of Georgia through the following approaches:
These approaches of access to expert dermatologic assessment of suspicious skin lesions and patient and primary healthcare provider education will improve the health of Georgians living in rural and urban underserved areas, thus helping to fulfill the mission of the Georgia Cancer Center.
A battery-powered dermatoscope is attached to an iPhone, & together they can capture images with a high degree of magnification & cross-polarized light.
The system utilizes HIPAA-compliant software to transmit images to a remote smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer.
This enables healthcare providers to transmit high-quality images of skin lesions to our dermatology experts at Augusta University, who can then provide rapid diagnosis and treatment recommendations back to the healthcare provider and patient.
Diagram of MoleScope.