MCG’s Office for Faculty Development coordinates and provides a variety of education-related faculty development programming, for MCG’s salaried and volunteer community faculty across MCG’s campuses.
Additional programming and support is provided to house staff (MCG and non-MCG) in their development as learners and in their role as teachers with MCG students.
MCG Faculty Dev. & Support
Health Sciences Campus
J. Harold Harrison, MD Education Commons
Michelle M. Krupp, EdD, MS | Assoc. Dean, Faculty Dev.
Statewide Faculty Development Conference
Providing MCG Statewide Community Faculty with an opportunity to share experiences, enhance teaching expertise and deepen MCG connections.
MCG's KIOSK for Teaching Resources
This wording in description: Providing community and campus faculty with over 75 teaching resources that can be easily searched by topic, available time, and preferred format.
MCG Faculty As Teaching Primer
Teaching is a core component of MCG’s mission and an essential part of a faculty member’s role. To support this all new faculty are expected to complete foundational teaching development & periodically engage in ongoing development. This primer introduces key teaching principles and strategies. For some, it will serve as a review; for others, it will provide new insights to enhance their teaching.
MCG Medical Illustration, 3D Model, Animation Request for Faculty
A professionally trained, board-certified medical illustrator available for MCG faculty that can integrate medical science & art to create unique, engaging visuals to teach & inform a particular audience. This provides you with original works that can be tailored to your specific needs, thereby avoiding copyright issues that arise from using other people's works.
MCG Medical Educator Minute
A series of brief faculty development resources on a variety of medical education-related teaching topics
Faculty Success
Offers consultation services to guide MCG faculty at any stage of their career through a reflective, strategic process of planning and action steps toward career goals. There is no fee and all services are confidential.