The study of blood disorders using interdisciplinary functional and translational genomics approaches has become a standard approach, now that we are well into the human genome era.
This innovative, all-expense-paid training program will foster a unique learning environment to hone grant-writing skills and provide mentees access to cutting-edge techniques. Junior faculty mentees will learn to conduct competitive bench, translational and clinical research and strategies for academic advancement. Mentees will also participate in a peer-mentoring network to facilitate scientific collaboration, professional development and social support.
The PRIDE-FTG Summer Institutes will be held 2 consecutive summers of the 1-year program (See PRIDE Curriculum). Mentees will be provided with the opportunity to compete for Small Research Project pilot funding to support future extramural grant applications. Travel to the mentor's laboratory during the first winter will be supported to promote research collaboration, grant preparation and career planning. The third major component of the program will involve an annual workshop in Bethesda, MD during the first year to promote networking and research collaborations.
*Mentees will be required to gain approval from the Department Chair for the protected time to complete all components of the PRIDE program.
The following expenses will be covered by the PRIDE-FTG program: