What to expect

Researchers at Augusta University are conducting a research study to learn more about COVID-19 infection and immunity. The study is open to individuals regardless of past COVID status (by PCR or Serology) or vaccine status.

Eligibility Requirements

This study will require visits every 2-4 weeks for up to 2 years.

  • Must be between the ages of 18-90 years old.

  • Weight is at least 110 lbs.

  • Cannot be pregnant.

  • No bloodborne infectious conditions like HIV or Hepatitis C.

  • Possible prior COVID-19 infection (OPTIONAL)



PDF information about study


What to expect

  • Participants will be asked questions about health and other types of personal information.

  • Height and weight will be measured.

  • Saliva will be collected every 2-4 weeks.

  • Fingerstick blood OR complete blood draws will occur every 2-4 weeks.




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Project Sparta