looking at computer


Delivering an innovative and cutting-edge medical program requires expertise and resources in information technology to support students.  Our Information Technology department is here to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to navigate the digital landscape of healthcare with confidence.

 Cutting-Edge Resources

From high-speed internet access to state-of-the-art computer labs, our campus is equipped with the latest technology to support your academic pursuits. Whether you're conducting research or designing multimedia projects, you'll have access to the tools you need to succeed.

 Technical Support

Need help troubleshooting a software issue or setting up your email account? Our team of IT professionals is here to provide expert assistance and guidance. Whether you prefer in-person support or online tutorials, we're here to help you overcome any technical challenges you encounter.

 Cybersecurity Awareness

In an era of increasing cyber threats, protecting your digital assets is more important than ever. Our IT department offers training and resources to help you stay safe online, from safeguarding your personal information to recognizing phishing scams. Your security is our top priority.

 Digital Literacy Training

Whether you're a tech whiz or a novice user, our IT department offers workshops and training sessions to enhance your digital literacy skills. Learn how to use productivity software, navigate online databases, and harness the power of technology to enhance your academic and professional endeavors.

 Innovation Hub

Are you passionate about exploring the frontiers of technology? Our Innovation Hub provides a collaborative space where students can experiment with emerging technologies.


  Information Technology at Augusta University

Great Doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828.