The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest, largest, and most selective
all-discipline honor society.
Facts about PKP
- Founded in 1897
- Inducts over 30,000 new members each year
- Lifelong membership, once invited to join
View Award Opportunities
Notable Members of PKP
- Former US President, Jimmy Carter
- Astronaut, Wendy Lawrence
- Novelist, John Grisham
- Netscape Founder, James Barksdale
- Former AU President, Brooks Keel
- Former AU Provost, Gretchen Caughman
An invitation to join means you are:
- In the top 10% of seniors
- In the top 7.5% of juniors
- In the top 10% of your graduate/professional school program
- Or have achieved scholarly/community distinction as faculty, staff or alum
What we're doing as Chapter 324