Augusta University’s JagCard Services Key Control manages and safeguards all AU property keys. We ensure that keys and access rights are granted only to authorized individuals, maintaining the security and integrity of our campus.
The Campus Contractor ID Badging / Key Control Office is responsible for coordinating the issuance and retrieval of keys for all employees and students with the Facilities Management Division's Lock Shop.
Key Control
Summerville Campus
2500 Walton Way
Augusta, GA 30901
8:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Instructions and Procedures:
To request an Augusta University key, the employee must complete a Key/Remove Request form, obtain the appropriate signatures on the form, and then scan/email the form to the appropriate Lock Shop. For Summerville campus email For Health Sciences campus, email
Once the order has been filled, the key is forwarded to the JagCard Services Key Control for distribution. Employees are notified by e-mail that the key is ready for pickup.
ALL Keys must be picked up within 30 days, returned to the Lock Shop, and placed back into inventory.
The JagCard Office is responsible for JagCard Services Key Control and operates an office located on the Summerville Campus inside of Washington Hall at 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904, inside of the Roar Store. Upon entering, check in at the JagOne Stop kiosk and a member of our team will assist you.
Q: How do I get keys to an area?
A: You should complete a Key Request Form, obtain the appropriate signatures on the
form, and scan/email it to the appropriate Lock Shop (Summerville or Health Sciences
Campus). Once the order is filled, the key is forwarded to JagCard Services Key Control.
Employees are notified by e-mail that the key is ready to be picked up.
Please note: keys must be picked up within 30 days, or they will be returned to the Lock Shop to be returned to inventory.
Q: I have a key I no longer need. Can I give it to my supervisor?
A: No. You must turn your keys to JagCard Services Key Control (Washington Hall).
Keys are issued to individuals and remain in their names until returned to the Key
Control Specialist. If you fail to turn your keys in, they will remain on your record,
and you will have to pay for them should you terminate.
Q: The locks in my area have been changed, and I have a new key. Can I throw the old
key away?
A: No. A key that has been removed from your area may be utilized in another area.
These keys are the property of the State of Georgia and should not be disposed of.
The key remains in your name until you return it to JagCard Services Key Control (Washington
Hall). Keys are issued to individuals and remain in their names until returned to
the Key Control Specialist. If you fail to turn your keys in, they will remain on
your record, and you will have to pay for them should you terminate.
Q: I've lost an Augusta University key assigned to me. What do I need to do?
A: Contact JagCard Services Key Control immediately. Following Augusta University
Policy, you must pay for the lost key. Come to JagCard Services Key Control (Washington
Hall) to handle this through payroll deduction or pay online.
Q: I just swapped offices with my co-worker. Can we swap keys?
A: No. Keys are issued to individuals and remain in their names until returned to
JagCard Services Key Control.
Q: I'm a terminating employee. Can I give my keys to my supervisor or leave them on
my desk for the next person?
A: No. Keys are issued to individuals and remain in their names until returned to
JagCard Services Key Control. You may contact us before your termination date to obtain
a listing of keys assigned to you to expedite your clearance process.
Q: I paid for a lost key, and now I've found it. What can I do?
A: Return the found key to JagCard Services Key Control (Washington Hall). A check
will be mailed to your requested address if a refund is applicable if payroll deducted
or a credit to your visa/mastercard.