Assignment styles like APA, MLA, or Chicago provide guidelines for how your assignment and reference list should be formatted.
Format your reference list in the appropriate style
Research papers and slideshow presentations usually require reference lists of all the works you consulted in your assignment.
With speeches, even though you will verbally cite your sources, you may still be asked to turn in a reference list.
Your directions will tell you which style to use for your assignment's reference list. Follow these reference formatting rules for the most common styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago. If you are unsure of a citation, consult the appropriate style guide handbook. The APA, MLA, and Chicago style guides are all available to check out at the Information Desk on the first floor of Reese Library for two hours of use inside the Library.
Format your entire assignment in the appropriate style.
Review your professor’s directions to identify the style of your assignment. Papers and slideshow presentations typically follow the style guide’s format. Speeches do not have to follow a style guide, except when reference lists are required, though you will still need to include oral citations.
These sample papers from OWL at Purdue show you how to format the look and feel of your assignment, including its reference list (e.g. title page format, font size, title of reference list):
Refer to step 7 for additional information on citations. Ask a librarian if you need additional help.