Facilities to support research activities have been an important feature of the Department of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine (DNRM) from the outset. Key funding to purchase equipment located in research core facilities was obtained through the Georgia Research Alliance, whose primary mission is to help universities in Georgia build and modernize research infrastructure through capital investments in new equipment.
Core facilities located within DNRM include:
* DNRM Microscopy Facility
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. #'s CA4058, CA3009, CA2058
& CA2009
* DNRM Imaging Flow Cytometry
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. CA2056
* Super Resolution: Nikon N-STORM/N-SIM/TIRF
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. CA3009
* Transgenic and Genome Editing Core Facility
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. CA3056 and in animal housing
and procedure rooms, Suite CA1117.
* DNRM Viral Vector Core
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. CA3046
* DNRM Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Core
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. CA4018
* DNRM HPLC Core Facility
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. CA 4055
* Therapeutics Core
Location: Dept. of Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine - Rm. CA-4062
* Other Augusta University cores can be found at Augusta University Research Core Services