Star Recognition Process

In order to earn a star for each requirement, the student organization must meet the full expectation listed under each category of the Star Recognition outline.

All student organizations must complete the following stars to remain registered on campus:

Registration Star

The Registration Star for Spring 2024 must be completed by January 29 by 5:00PM

 Complete the Student Organization Renewal form in JagLife                                                                                  Every Fall, our office will email this form to the Presidents of each organization for completion. It includes:

  1. Organization’s Name
  2. President Contact Information
  3. Advisor Contact Information
  4. Mission/Purpose
  5. Category
  6. Goals for theStudent Organization
  7. Constitution and By-Laws Agreement
  8. Reservation Guidelines Agreement
  9. Star Recognition Agreement

Complete Advisor Agreement Form                                                                                                                             

Our office will email the Advisor Agreement Form to the advisor listed in the Student Org Registration/Renewal Packet


Attend Student Org Training                                                                                                                                               

All registered student organization Presidents must attend Student Org Training. The President and/or a member of the Executive Board of the organization is required to attend ONE training. All trainings are virtual. 

Dates for Spring 2024 Student Org Training - 6:00PM 

August 26th -Virtual 

August 27th - Williams Ballroom (Summerville: Jaguar Student Activities Center)



Operations Star 

The Operation Star for Spring 2025 must be completed by February 19 by 5:00PM

 Upload Membership Roster in JagLife                                                                                                                             

Each registered student organization must add the members of their organization to the “Roster” section of JagLife AND identify the members who hold an office position

If your organization, transitions officers at the end of the Fall Semester, please submit your Leadership Reflection by November 26 at 5PM. 


Assessment Star (Spring Semester ONLY)

The Assessment Star for Spring 2024 must completed by April 28 by 5:00PM 

Submit the Student End-of-Year Evaluation in JagLife (available in the Spring)                                                   

Every April, this form will be emailed to the Presidents of each registered student organization for completion. This form will give   student leaders the opportunity to reflect and assess the goals created in the Student Organization’s Yearly-Plan.



The Rising Star for Fall 2024 must be completed by November 26 at 5PM (If officers are transitioned BEFORE the end of Spring)

The Rising Star for Spring 2024 must be completed by April 28 by 5:00PM

Submit the Leadership Reflection form in JagLife                                                                                                      

This form is for PRESIDENTS ONLY. Presidents of each registered student organization will provide insight on their service as a student leader and offer a valuable assessment on ways our leadership initiative was helpful during their tenure and the initiative can improve. This forms also provides contact information for the rising President.