We offer proctor services for distant learning and independent study students. Students are required to have proper photo identification when reporting to take their tests. Failure to present an ID will result in the student not being allowed to take their tests. Also, students should report at their scheduled test time.
We reserve the right to have students who arrive after their scheduled test time to reschedule for another day.
Please see the following information regarding fees for services, policies regarding scheduling exams and proctor information.
Proctor Fees
Policies regarding scheduling exams
Test Proctor information
Off Campus Test Proctoring for Distance Learners
For any Augusta University student that is taking an on-line or distance class and needs to have a test proctored, please review the procedures and have the appropriate form completed and returned to our office.
Application for Off-Campus Test Proctor
Procedures for Off-Campus Test Proctoring
For Summerville, there is a ParkMobile $10 daily rate for Lot 105/Zone 9927. There is a $4 daily option at Lot 108/Zone 9923. Lots 105/108 are pretty similar in the walk to Galloway Hall. Testers can download the ParkMobile app or visit ParkMobile and search for Augusta University Summerville. Make sure to pay for parking or you could encounter a ticket. TDS will not be responsible for parking tickets.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Augusta University Parking & Transportation at 706-721-PARK(7275) or parkingoffice@augusta.edu.