Resident Research
Lawren Honken, M.D., Mentor: Robert D. Stager, M.D., "To Breastfeed or Not to Breastfeed...What's your Intention?" 2019
Khilen B. Patel, M.D., Mentor: Bunja J. Rungruang, M.D., "Participation in Clinical Trials May Overcome Health Disparities in the Treatment of Advanced or Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer" 2019
Alexandra Shurling, M.D., Mentor: Manish Jain, M.D. "Vaginal Bookwalter Use to Enhance Resident Education" 2019
Susanna Raley, M.D., Mentor: Linda M. Street, M.D. "Waist Circumference and Pregnancy Outcomes in Overweight and Class I Obese Women" 2019
Angela Stephens, M.D., Mentor: Paul C. Browne, M.D. "Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) at Time of Delivery and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A Pilot Study" 2019
Patricia Brands, M.D., Mentor: Lawrence C. Layman, M.D., "ESR1 and ESR2 Mutatins in Patients with Unexplained Infertility)" 2018
Jessica Kanter, M.D., Mentor: Larisa Gavrilova-Jordan, M.D., "Intrauterine Injection of Beta-hCG to Enhance Embryo Implantation" 2018
Christie Secrest, M.D., Mentor: Barbara R. Henley, M.D. "Evaluating and Mapping Pain in Intravesical OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatments for Overactive Bladder (OAB)" 2018
Hamer Titus, M.D., Mentor: Jennifer T. Allen, M.D. "Effects of Exclusively Rooming-in on Breastfeeding Rates" 2018
Carolyn Zahler-Miller, M.D., Mentor: Robert D. Stager, M.D. "Pitocin Plus Transcervical Foley Catheter versus Catheter Alone for Cervical Ripening" 2018
Monica Fortson, M.D., Mentor: Kelli Braun, M.D., "Immediate Postpartum Contraception Choices and Long-Term Compliance with Postpartum Contraception in Teen Mothers" 2017
Andrea Garrick, M.D., Mentor: Sharad A. Ghamande, M.D., "Impact of Support Group Participation in Women with Gynecologic Cancer" 2017
Adam Pyrzak, M.D., Mentor: Sharad A. Ghamande, M.D. "Efficacy of Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device (LIUD) and Transvaginal Ultrasound (TVUS) as Treatment and Surveillance of Women with Early Endometrial Cancer(EC) and Complex Atypical Hyerplasia (CAH) who are Poor Surgical Candidates" 2017
Viji K. Sundaram, M.D., Mentor: Lawrence C. Layman, M.D., "Causative Variants in Exome Sequencing as an Underlying Genetic Basis to Transgender Identify" 2017
Louise Sutton Boyd, M.D., Mentor: John R. Lue, M.D., M.P.H., "Resident Perspectives on Leadership Training" 2016
Robyn N. Drinkwater, M.D., Mentor: Brent A. Parnell, M.D., "Postoperative Pain in the Elderly Urogynecologic Patient Population" 2016
Nicole S. Wellbaum, M.D., Mentor: Lawrence D. Devoe, M.D. "Customized Growth Curves for Estimating Fetal Weight" 2016
Julia S. Samaddar, M.D., Mentor: Kelli M. Braun, M.D., "Do Medical Providers Adequately Document Shoulder Dystocia as Defined by the ACOG Patient Safety Checklist?" 2016
Tamara M. Hughes, M.D., Mentor: Paul C. Browne, M.D., "The Accuracy of Ultrasonographic Imaging in Determining Fetal Gender During Sequential Screening" 2015
Kristin D. Oates, M.D., Mentor: Micheal P. Diamond, M.D., "Significance of Sub-Chorionic Hemorrhage with Placental Involvement in an IVF Patient Population" 2015
Thomas T. Sholes, M.D., Mentor: John R. Lue, M.D., "Reliability of Sonographic Estimation of Uterine Volume Compared to Measured Volume at Time of Uterine Extirpation" 2015
Jennifer L. Allen, M.D., Mentor: Sharad A. Ghamande, M.D., "The Role of IGF-II as a Tumor Marker for Cervical Cancer: Can IGF-II be used to Monitor and Screen Patients Specifically for Cervical Cancer?" 2014
Chandrika S. Rao, M.D., Mentor: Christie Palladino, M.D., "Does the Knowledge and Confidence Level in Depression Management Change over the Course of OB/Gyn Residency Education?" 2014
Anxhela Treska, M.D., Mentor: Lawrence D. Devoe, M.D., "Intra-observer and Inter-observer Variability in Interpretation of Fetal Echogenic Bowel Found During 2nd Trimester Ultrasound Examinations" 2014
Jessica H. Williams, M.D., Mentor: Chadburn B. Ray, M.D., "Adequacy of Cytology Obtained in Pregnant Women Using Two Different Sampling Techniques" 2014
Tanya M. Dannemann, M.D., Mentor: John R. Lue, M.D., "Uterine Volume on Ultrasound - Is There a Relationship to Body Mass Index or Parity?" 2013
Danielah Gautier, M.D., Mentor: Paul C. Browne, M.D., "Intrauterine Growth Restriction: A Retrospective Study of the Use of Ultrasound Estimated Fetal Weights to Predict Birth Weights for Diagnosis and Labor Induction" 2013
James A. Gohar, M.D., Mentor: Christie Palladino, M.D., "A Qualitative Study to Understand Learning Perspectives in Perinatal Depression Care" 2013
Stephen Bush, M.D., Mentor: Sharad Ghamande, M.D., "Extreme Drug Resistance (EDR) Assay Directed Therapy of Platinum Resistant Ovarian Cancer" 2012
Bonnie Eady, D.O., Mentor: Lawrence Devoe, M.D., "Intra-Observer and Inter-Observer Variability in Analyses of Fetal Heart Rate Tracings Using the Three-Tiered Fetal Heart Rate Interpretation System" 2012
Laura Gibbs, M.D., Mentor: Daren Farris, M.D., "Clinical Evaluation of Polarized Light Colposcopy" 2012
Tondra Newman, M.D., Mentor: Vadivel Ganapathy, M.D., "The Use of Plasma Levels of Homocysteine as a Predictor of Premature Delivery" 2012
Morgan Barnum, D.O., Mentor: Kelli Braun, M.D., "Hemoglobin Profiles and Neonatal Outcome" 2011
Linda Mughrabi, M.D., Mentor: Lawrence D. Devoe. M.D., "Neural Network Prediction of Risk for Cesarean Delivery in Induction of Labor in Pregnancy at Term" 2011
Cedric Walls, M.D., Mentor: Lawrence Layman, M.D., "Critical Regions on Xp and Yq Necessary for Human Gonadal Development" 2011
JulieAnn Parker, M.D., Mentor: John Lue, M.D., “Preoperative Sonographic Assessment of Uterine Volume Compared to the Measured Volume at Hysterectomy” 2010
Germina Suffrant, M.D., Mentor: Chadburn Ray, M.D., "Validating the Hopkins Assessment of Surgical Competency Among Gynecology Residents: A Prospective Study at the Medical College of Georgia” 2010
Mark Supan, M.D., Mentor: Lawrence D. Devoe, M.D., "Amniotic Fluid Volume Before and After a Standardized IV Infusion of Saline” 2010
Resident Oral and Poster Presentations
Punjala-Patel, A; Poch, A; Griswold, L; Riveros, E; Street, L; The Effect of Neuraxial Morphine (Duramorph) on Postpartum Pain Control- A Randomized Controlled Trial. Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine. Gaylord, TX Feb. 2020 (Accepted)
Punjala-Patel, A; Poch, A; Mikhael, S; Latif, E; Gavrilova-Jordan, L. Chronic Hypersensitivity Disorders in the Post Essure Era. South Atlantic Association of Obstetrics and Gynecologist. Asheville, NC. Jan.2020 (Accepted)
Punjala-Patel, A; Poch, A; Gavrilova-Jordan, L. An Unusual Cause of Spontaneous Hemoperitoneum at Laparoscopy. South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Ashville, NC. Jan. 2020 (Accepted)
Punjala-Patel, A; Conger, J; Street, L. The Shrek Test: An Alternative Way to Identify Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes. South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Asheville, NC. Jan 2020 (Accepted)
Carolyn Mignacca, Placenta Percreta Occurring with a Monochorionic Monoamniotic Twin Gestational Pregnancy. 2020 Annual SAAOG Meeting, Asheville, NC, January 2020 (Accepted)
Louise Wannamaker, Evaluating and Mapping Pain in Intravesical Onabotulinumtoxin A Treatments for Overactive
Bladder" 2019 AUGS/IUGA Joint Scientific Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN 2019
Punjala-Patel, A; Louden, E: Mikhael, S; Gavrilova-Jordan, L. Embracing Oncofertility: Building a Successful Model to Reduce Disparity and Enhance Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients. ACOG District IV, VII, XI Annual District Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Sept 2019. Prized Donald F. Richardson Paper Oral Presentation
Punjala-Patel, A; Stephens, A; Eisenach, J; Son, J; Street, L. Keeping Mon Awake: Does Placental Location Impact Petal Disruption of Maternal Sleep? ACOG District IV, VII, XI Annual District Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Sept 2019
Punjala-Patel, A; Street, L. An Unusual Presentation of a Primigravid with VACTERL and the Surgical Challenges and Anesthetic Implications Associated with Management. ACOG District IV, VII, XI Annual District Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Sept 2019
Punjala-Patel, A; Stephens, A; Eisenach, J; Son, J; Street, L; Keeping Mon Awake: Does Placental Location Impact Fetal Disruption of Maternal Sleep? Georgia Obstetrics and Gynecology Society (GOGS) 51st Annual Conference, Amelia Island, FL, Aug. 2019
Punjala-Patel, A; Griswold, L; Riveros, E; Street, L; Browne, P; Rungruang, Bunga. How to Effectively and Efficiently Manage a Massive Hemorrhage of 71 L. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology 51st Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ May 2019
Punjala-Patel, A; Griswold, L; Riveros, E; Street, L; Browne P. TTP- not short for Time to Panic: A multidisciplinary approach to Managing Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in pregnancy. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology 51st Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ May 2019
Stephens, A; Punjala-Patel, A; Patel, K; Clark, C; Lue, J. Papillary Adenocarcinoma of Unknown Primary in a Recurrent Paravaginal Cyst Wall. South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Sea Island, GA. Jan. 2019
Lauren Griswold, Heather Williams, Khilen Patel, Courtney Bailey, Sarah Swartz, Kaitlin Burchett, John Wallbillich, Sharad Ghamande, Bunja Rungruang. Vulvar cancer is typically a gynecologic cancer in which previous studies have shown multiple disparities. In previous studies, African American women have been shown to have incomplete treatment or treatment below the standard of care, although this may not result in a decrease in survival. 2018 Annual MAGOS meeting, Columbus, OH, October 2018.
Angela Stephens, M.D., A., Browne, P. Opioid Withdrawal During Pregnancy May Reduce Rates of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). The American Congress for Obstetrics and Gynecologists 2018 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting, Austin, TX, April 2018.
Chishom, T., Stephens, A., Raley, S., Street, L., Browne, P. Amniotic Fluid Index Curves in the Obese Gravida: One Size Fits All? The American Congress for Obstetrics and Gynecologists 2018 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting, Austin, TX, April 2018.
Raley, S., Stephens, A., Browne, P., Street, L. Accuracy of Ultrasound Imaging in Fetal Gender Assignment During First Trimester Screening. The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2018 Annual Convention, New York, New York, March 2018.
Adam Pyrzak, Khilen Patel, Williams H, Coste H, Zhang LF, Sadek R, Wallbillich JJ, Ghamande S, Rungruang BJ:Clinical trial participation may improve survival in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian, fallopian, and peritoneal malignancies. Poster presented at the Mid-Atlantic Gynecologic Oncology Society (MAGOS) Annual meeting; Charleston, SC, October 2017 & SGO Annual Meeting on Women's Cancer, New Orleans, LA, March 2018.
Khilen Patel, Adam Pyrzak, Williams H, Coste H, Zhang LF, Sadek R, Wallbillich JJ, Ghamande S, Rungruang BJ: Participation in clinical trials may overcome health disparities in the treatment of advanced or recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. Scientific plenary at SGO Annual Meeting on Women's Cancer; New Orleans, LA, March, 2018.
Angela Stephens, MD., Street, L., Browne, P. Siltuximab Use in Pregnancy: The Case of a Primigravida with Castleman’s Disease. South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2018 Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, FL, January 2018.
Jessica Kanter, MD, "Surgical Complications and Suboptimal Patient Care in a Case of Unrecognized Mullerian Anomaly with Pregnancy Loss". Presentation at the Annual SAAOG meeting, January 2018.
Angela Stephens, MD, "Siltuximab Use in Pregnancy: The Case of a Primigravida with Castleman's Disease". Poster presentation at the 80th Annual SAAOG meeting, January 2018.
Adam Pyrzak, MD., Choosing Wisely: A cross-sectional survey of gynecologic oncologist practice patterns and concordance with current SCO recommendations. Poster presentation at SGO, January 2018.
Jessica Kanter, MD., Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Cerclage Placement During Pregnancy. Society for Gynecologic Surgeons Annual Meeting 2017, San Antonio, TX, March 2017, Video Presentation.
Jessica Kanter, MD., Is preimplatation genetic screening the answer to in-vitro fertilization failure despite morphologically normal embryos in women of advanced maternal age?
Jessica Kanter, MD, Lawren Honken, MD, Khilen Patel, MD. Barbara Henley, MD. Bunja Rungruang, MD, Lawrence Layman, MD, Larisa Gavrilova-Jordan, MD., Surgical Correction of Complex Reproductive Tract Anomaly after over a Decade of Suboptimal Management. Society for Gynecologic Surgeons Annual Meeting 2017, San Antonio, TX, March 2017.
Angela Stephens MD., Gavrilova-Jordan, L. Abnormal LFTs in Early Pregnancy: An Unusual Presentation of Late Onset Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. The American Congress for Obstetrics and Gynecologists 2017 District I and IV Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, October 2017.
Adam Pyrzak, MD., Robotic assisted placement of interstitial brachytherapy with a pelvic mesh sling to reduce gastrointestinal radiation toxicity in patients with gynecologic cancers. Poster presentation at the SCO meeting, March 2017
Jessica Kanter, MD., Effective Radiologic Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Case of Pelvic Congestive Syndrome. ACOG District IV-VII Annual Meeting 2016, White Sulfur Springs, WV, October 2016.
Jessica Kanter, MD, Lawrence Layman, MD, Larisa Gavrilova-Jordan, MD. CASE REPORT: Management of Ectopic Ovary in the Setting of Mullerian Agenesis. ACOG District IV-VII Annual Meeting 2016, White Sulfur Springs, WV, October 2016.
Andrea Garrick, Adam Pyrzak, Campbell J, Rungruang B, Sadek R, Ghamande S: Prospective study to evaluate impact of support group participation in women with gynecological cancer. Poster Presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting for Palliative Care, San Francisco, CA, September 2016
Adam Pyrzak, Hu F, Rungruang BJ, Sadek R, Macfee M, Ghamande SA: Management of Early Endometrial cancer (EC) and Complex Atypical Hyperplasia (CAH) by Levonorgestrel IUD (LIUD): A Cost and Risk Reduction Analysis. Poster presented at: Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (GOGS) 65th Annual Meeting; Saint Simon, GA, August 2016
Jessica Kanter, MD, L. Layman, MD, L. Gavrilova Jordan, MD, A Challenging Case of Concomitant Obstructive Transverse and Longitudinal Vaginal Septa: Optimal Evaluation and Surgical Management. 49th Annual Meeting for the Society for the Study of Reproduction, San Diego, California, July 2016
Andrea Garrick, P. Browne, C. Ray, K. Braun, R. Stager, E. Rotem, B. Rungruang. Feasibility of Establishing a Regional Center of Excellence for the Management of Abnormal Placentation: Poster Presentation at the Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society and Georgia Section ACOG 65th Annual Meeting, 2016.
Adam Pyrzak, J. Allen, A. Sharma, P. Weinberger, B. Rungruang, J. She, Sh. Ghamande, Proteomic approach to identify biomarkers for invasive cervical cancer: a prospective pilot study: Poster presentation for the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, 2016
Adam Pyrzak, F. Hu, B. Rungruang, R. Sadek, M. Macfee, S. Ghamande. Efficacy of levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LIUD) and transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) as treatment and surveillance of women with early endometrial cancer (EC) and complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH) who are poor surgical candidates: Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting on Women's Cancer, San Diego, CA, 2016
Robin Drinkwater, B. Henley, B. Parnell. Postoperative Pain Control in Elderly Urogynecologic Patient Population: Poster presentation at the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons, 2015.
Andrea Garrick, A. Pyrzak, B. Rungruang, S.Ghamande, J. Campbell, R. Sadek. The Impact of Support Group Participation in Women with Gynecological Cancer: S. Poster Presentation at the International Meeting of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology, 2015
Angela Stephens, MD., Improving Vaccination Rates Against HPV, Influenza, and Pertussis in the OBGYN Office. Erlanger Medical Center 2014 Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Day, Chattanooga, TN, May 2014.
Angela Stephens, MD., Incentivizing DNR Form Utilization For General Surgery. Erlanger Medical Center 2014 Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Day, Chattanooga, TN, May 2014.
Chandrika Rao, C. Palladino. Does the Knowledge and Confidence Level in Depression Management Change over the Course of OB/Gyn Residency Education?: Poster presentation at the 2014 CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting, March 2014.
Jennifer Allen, C. Aksu, B. Rungruang, M. Macfee, S. Ghamande. The Role of IGF-II as a Tumor Marker for Cervical Cancer: Can IGF-II be used to Monitor and Screen Patients Specifically for Cervical Cancer? Poster presentation at the 2013 Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology in Atlanta, GA, September 2013.
Anxhela Treska, L. Gibbs, M. Macfee, S. Ghamande: AGUS Pap Smear as a Marker for a GI Malignancy: A Case Report & Literature Review: Poster presentation at the 2013 Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology in Atlanta, GA, September 2103.
James Gohar; 1275 A Qualitative Study to Understand Learning Perspectives in Perinatal Depression Care. Poster presentation at the 2012 CREOG and APGO Annual Meeting, March 2012.
Stephen Bush, Tondra Newman J. Lue, A. Helfgott, : Robotic-assisted Laparoscopic Cerclage During Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Accepted for oral presentation at South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Naples, FL, January 2012.
Tondra Newman, A. Helfgott: Single Umbilical Artery (SUA) in a High-Risk Obstetrical Population: Accepted for oral and poster presentation at the 21st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2011.
Morgan Barnum, K. Braun, P. Hall, L. Lan: Hemoglobin Profiles and Neonatal Outcome. Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, 2010.
Stephen Bush, M. Wang, S. A. Ghamande, J. X. She; Prognostic Value of Serum Protein Biomarkers
in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. ASCO poster presentation, 2010.
Stephen Bush, S. Ghamande, C-Han, M. Macfee: Extreme Drug Resistance Assay Directed Treatment of Platinum Resistant Ovarian Cancer. ISGO poster presentation, Prague Czech Republic, 2010.
Stephen Bush, S. Ghamande, F. Weber, H. Williams, M. Macfee: PET Probe Assisted Surgical Debulking in Patients With Recurrent Gynecological Malignancies. ISGO poster presentation, Prague Czech Republic, 2010.
Tiffany Goldsmith, S. A. Ghamande: Differential Expression and Predictive Value of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPS) in Uterine Papillary Serous Cancer. Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, 2009.
Ali Al-Housseini, L. Devoe: Neural Network Prediction of Risk for Cesarean Delivery in Term Nulliparas. John McCain Fellowship Presentation at the SAAOG 71st Annual Meeting, January 2009.
Resident Publications
Book Chapters:
Kanter J, Diamond MP: Infertility. In Conn’s Current Therapy 2018. Editors Kellerman and Bope, Elsvier, Chapter 17, pp 1101-1103, 2018.
Fleischer AC, Desai AA, New M, Kanter JR, Diamond MP. Chapter 4: Transvaginal Sonography of Ectopic Pregnancy. Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Eighth Edition. 2017
Peer reviewed articles:
Punjala-Patel, A; Griswold, L; Riveros, E; Street, L; Browne, Paul; Rungruang, Bunja. How to effectively and efficiently manage a massive hemorrhage of 71 L. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology 51st Annual Conference Phoenix, AZ May 2019
Punjala-Patel, A; Griswold, L; Riveros, E; Street, L; Browne, Paul. TTP-not short for Time to Panic: A multidisciplinary approach to Managing Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Pregnancy. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology 51st Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ May 2019
Mikhael, S.; Punjala-Patel, A.; Gavrilova-Jordan, L. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders Impacting Female Fertility. Biomedicines 2019, 7, 5.
Patel, K, Punjala-Patel, A, Stephens, A, Lue, J, "Serous Papillary Adenocarcinoma of Unknown Primary in a Recurrent Paravaginal
Cyst" Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2019
Stephens, A; Punjala-Patel, A; Eisenach, J; Son, J; Street, L. Keeping Mom Awake: Does Placental Location Impact Fetal Disruption of Maternal Sleep? Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2019 (In Press)
Street, L., Punjala-Patel, A; Editorial Commentary on Maternal and newborn outcomes with elective induction of labor at term. Obstetric Anesthesia Digest. In Press
Pyrzak A, Mysona D, Allen J, Bai S, Sharma A, She J, Rungruang B, Ghamande S, Proteomic approach to identity markers for invasive cancer – A prospective pilot study. European Journal of Gynecologic Oncology – Manuscript accepted
Hayward, K., Cline, A, Stephens, A, Street, L. Management of Herpes Zoster (Shingles) During Pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In press.
Street, L., Stephens, A. Editorial Commentary on Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Swedish Obstetricians and Midwives after Severe Obstetric Events: A Cross-Sectional Retrospective Survey. Obstetric Anesthesia Digest. In Press
Stephens, A., Kanter, J., Gavrilova-Jordan, L. Preimplantation Genetic Screening Demonstrating Aneuploidy in A Case of Poor Embryo Survival. Journal of Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine. Accepted.
Stephens, A, Patel K, Rao, A, Raley, S, Browne, P, Street, L. Recurrent Wernicke’s Encephalopathy in Pregnancy: A Case Report. Nutritional Neuroscience. 22:1.
Stephens, A., Gavrilova-Jordan, L., Ray, C. A Decade of Pelvic Pain and Infertility: A Case Report of an Unexpected Intraoperative Discovery. Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders. 9 (2): 132-134
Kanter, J.R., Looney, C.B, Lue, J., Gavrilova-Jordan, L. A modern radiologic treatment for pelvic congestion syndrome associated with chronic pelvic pain and menstrual abnormalities. Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain. September 9, 2017; DOI 10.5301/jeppd.5000301
Lue JR, Pyrzak A, Allen JT: Improving Accuracy of Intraoperative Diagnosis of Endometriosis: Role of Firefly in Minimal Access Robotic Surgery. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery. Apr; 12(2): 186-189, 2016.
Kanter JR, Boulet SL, Kawwass JF, Jamieson DJ, Kissin DM. Trends and Correlates of Monozygotic Twinning after Single Embryo Transfer. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015 Jan; 125(1):111-7.
Xu N, Kim HG, Bhagavath B, Cho SG, Lee JHL, Ha K, Meliciani I, Wenzel W, Podolsky RH, Chorich LP, Stackhouse KA, Grove AM, Odom LN, Ozata M, Bick DP, Sherins RJ, Kim SH, Cameron RS, Layman LC. Nasal Embryonic LHRH Factor (NELF) Mutations in Patients with Normosmic Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism and Kallman Syndrome. Fertil Steril 2011.
J. Lue, B. Murray, S. Bush, "Single Port Robotic Hysterectomy Technique Improving on Multiport Procedure". Provisionally accepted to Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 2011 November 27.
Xu N, Bhagavath B, Kim HG, Halvorson L, Podolsky RS, Chorich LP, Prasad P, Xiong WC, Cameron RS, Layman LC. NELF is a Nuclear Protein Involved in Hypothalamic GnRH Neuronal Migration. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2010 May 5;31991-2):47-55.
Bhagavath B. The Use of Simulation Technology in Obstetrics and Gynecology. ACOG Update November 2010 Volume 36 (5):1-10.
Kim HG, Pedersen-White J, Bhagavath B, Layman LC. Genotype and Phenotype of Patients with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Mutations. Front Horm Res 2010;39:94-110.
Ali Al-Housseini, MD, Tondra Newman, MD, Alan Cox, Lawrence D. Devoe, MD, "Prediction of Risk for Cesarean Delivery in Term Nulliparas: A Comparison of Neural Network and Multiple Logistic Regression Models". AJOG 2009.
Randall GW, Bush S 2nd, Gantt PA., "Serum and Peritoneal Fluid Antiendometrial Antibodies in Assisted Reproduction". J Reprod Med 2009 Jun;54(6):353-360.
Bell JD, Awonuga AO, Thompson ME, Ray CB, Devoe LD. Infantile Scimitar Syndrome Complicating Pregnancy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009 Sep;106(3):259-60.
Awonuga AO, Bell JD, Vallecilla D, Ray CB, Yingling D, Helfgott AW. Antenatal Diagnosis and Perinatal Management of Extremely Giant Fetal Cervicopharyngeal Teratoma Resulting in Impossible Fetal Intubation: A Case Report. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2009 April 10.