The Graduate School offers a number of dual degree progam that enable eligible students enrolled in one degree program to complete work toward an additional degree program. View our program offerings:

Contact Us

For Questions About The Program 

Patricia L. Cameron, PhD
Vice Dean, The Graduate School

(706) 721- 3278


MD/PhD Program

The MD/PhD program provides training in both medicine and basic sciences. This seven to eight-year program prepares a diverse group of students who have a passion for medical research and dedication to serving others for rewarding careers in biomedical research or in academic medicine.

The MD-MPH dual-degree program is a 5-year program designed to provide students with the opportunity to integrate medical school and public health course work, research and community work throughout the five years. Students enroll full-time in the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) for four years and full-time in the Graduate School (TGS) for one academic year when the student primarily concentrates on public health course work. Typically the TGS year occurs between years 3 and 4 of medical school after completion of USMLE Step 2 CK and CS. Both degrees generally are awarded at the end of 5 years.


  • Must be accepted and currently enrolled in the MD program
  • All students must pass USMLE Step 2 CK to enter the program and must take the exam no later than August 1st to enter the MPH program.

For more information visit the website and/or contact co-directors: Richard S. Cameron, PhD and Lawrence C. Layman, MD

MD - Biomedical Sciences MS Program

The MD-Biomedical Sciences MS dual-degree program is a five-year program designed to provide Augusta University Medical students with the opportunity to enhance their medical training with biomedical science research training. Eight biomedical science majors with multiple electives are available depending on the research interest of the student. Students are expected to identify a MS research faculty mentor prior to being accepted into the MS program.

For more information on the program and the admission process contact: Renee Page, MD, Associate Dean of Curriculum MCG, Patricia L. Cameron, PhD, Vice Dean of The Graduate School


The MD-MPH dual-degree program is a five-year program designed to provide students with the opportunity to integrate medical school and public health course work, research, and community work. Students enroll full-time in the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) for four years and full-time in the Graduate School (TGS) for one academic year when the student concentrates on public health course work. Students apply in their third year of Medical School and complete the MPH course requirements between their third and fourth year of medical school.

For information on the program and the admission process students should first contact Renee Page, MD, Associate Dean of Curriculum MCG. For additional information: Monirul Islam, PhD Program Director, Patricia L. Cameron, PhD, Vice Dean of the Graduate School.

Biomedical Sciences PhD-MBA

Augusta University Biomedical Sciences PhD students typically apply during their third year of enrollment in the PhD program with the understanding that acceptance and enrollment in the MBA program is contingent upon entering candidacy.

This is a dual degree permitting biomedical science PhD students to enroll in and obtain their PhD and MBA degrees concurrently. Students are expected to begin the MBA program after entering PhD candidacy. There is no additional tuition or fees for students with a Graduate Research Assistantship, however students will be required to pay back the cumulative MBA tuition if they withdraw from or complete the MBA program. Students will complete all degree requirements of both programs. The PhD and MBA degree will be conferred simultaneously upon successful completion of both programs of study.


  • Must be enrolled in the Biomedical Science PhD program
  • Must have entered candidacy for the PhD program but no later than the 10th semester of enrollment in the PhD program (Fall of 4th year in PhD program) unless special permission is obtained by TGS. The standard deadline for entering candidacy is by the end of the third year of full time.
  • The applicants must have written/documented approval from their mentor to participate in this dual degree. The MBA training is expected to run concurrently with the PhD program and should not interfere in any way with progress in PhD training and work in the lab.

Application Deadline
Complete application materials and documents due to TGS 3 months PRIOR to first day of semester studetns plan to start MBA coursework.

For informatioon on the program and the admission process students should first contact Patricia L. Cameron, PhD, Vice Dean of The Graduate School. For additional information: Mark Thompson, PhD, Associate Dean, Hull College of Business.


Augusta University dental students can apply for the concurrent DMD-MBA program after they have completed at least two semesters of dental school.

The concurrent DMD-MBA Degree Program entails students being enrolled in both DMD and MBA courses within the same academic term and allows dental student to enroll in and obtain DMD and MBA degrees concurrently. Students are expected to begin the MBA program after completing at least two semesters (first year) of the DMD program. Students will complete all degree requirements of both programs. The DMD and MBA degree can be conferred simultaneously upon successful completion of both programs of students by the end of the spring semester of the fourth year of the DMD program. If the student does not complete all the degree requirements of the MBA program by that time, the BMA degree can also be awarded at a later date following completion of degree requirements.


  • Must be accepted and currently enrolled in the DMD program
  • Must have completed at least two semesters of the DMD program but NO later than the 7th semester of enrollment of the DMD program (Fall of 4th year in DMD program)
  • Third year students must take NBDE Part 1 by December 31st of the junior year. Failure to do so may jeopardize your continued enrollment in the MBA program

Application Deadlines

  • Fall MBA Entry - March 1
  • Spring MBA Entry - October 1

For information on the program and the admission process students should first contact Joseph Vitolo, DMD, DCG Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, DCG.

For additional information Hull College of Business, Mark Thompson, PhD, Associate Dean, Hull College of Business, Patricia L. Cameron, PhD, Vice Dean of The Graduate School.


Augusta University medical students apply in their third year of Medical School and complete the MBA course requirements between their third and fourth year of medical school.

For information on the program and the admission process students should first contact Renee Page, MD, Associate Dean of Curriculum MCG.

For additional information: MCG, Mark Thompson, PhD, Associate Dean, Hull College of Business, Patricia L. Cameron, PhD, Vice Dean of The Graduate School.

BA/MPA Program

This accelerated program is designed to allow Augusta University undergraduate students majoring in Political Science or Criminal Justice to complete both the BA and the MPA degree in five years. Accelerated MPA degrees ensure that the field moves excellent students into public service as soon as possible.

The accelerated MPA option is designed to allow undergraduate students majoring in Political Science or Criminal Justice to complete both the BA and the MPA degrees in five years. A student may use up to nine credit hours of graduate-level courses within a single degree program to satisfy the requirements of both a 124 hour bachelor's degree and the MPA degree.


  • Have completed at least 30 hours of coursework at Augusta University
  • Have an overall cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.25 or better
  • Be within 30 semester hours of graduating with either a BA in criminal justice or a BA in political science
  • Have written permission of the chair of the department of the undergraduate major to use the graduate level courses as acceptable substitutes to fulfill related requirements of the bachelor's degree (students must satisfy all prerequisites for those graduate courses)
  • Meet all requirements for admission into the MPA program and be in good standing with the university (except for receipt of the undergraduate degree and the completion of the GRE)
  • Submit an application for admission in the spring semester of the junior year to the Accelerated Bachelor's-Master's Degree Program, along with all necessary admissions documentation to The Graduate School according to institutional policy.

For more information contact Rhucha Samudra, PhD, MPA Program Director