Office/About CURS
Where is the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship located?
CURS is located Allgood Hall, E330. The office is found within the Summerville Research Suite. Feel free to drop by or contact us at 706-729-2094.
What does CURS mean by "research" and "scholarship"?
The task of defining research and scholarship is a difficult one and has itself been the subject of much study and debate. The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURS) is focused on supporting educational experiences in which undergraduates, in collaboration with one or more faculty mentors, strives to answer an open-ended question within his/her discipline or strives to make a creative contribution to his/her discipline. In some disciplines this process utilizes the scientific method, in other disciplines the process is equally as rigorous though more creative.
Why should students get involved in student-faculty research?
Previous studies have found that students are more likely to improve their grades, to graduate and to pursue advanced degrees if involved in undergraduate research and scholarship (URS). Low income students and first generation students were more likely to be retained if involved in UR. Students also report that they have better clarity about their career path, feel better prepared in the job market from skills gained, and have higher self-confidence if they are involved in URS. It is likely a combination of the hands-on skills, close guidance of professional pursuits and personal relationship with faculty mentors that makes URS so invaluable to students in higher education.
Why should faculty get involved in student-faculty research?
For most faculty in higher education, at teaching institutions like Augusta University, working closely with students is a primary reason we choose this profession. Collaborating with students allows for in depth research, conversation, and mentoring of students in your field of expertise. Many faculty find this time well worth the effort and feel motivated to stay engaged in the current scholarship of their discipline. Faculty also report gains of collaborations with other faculty within or outside of their home department, more success securing grants to support their work, and interesting findings and questions to bring back into the classroom.
How do I make a monetary contribution to undergraduate research and scholarship at Augusta University?
Funding is crucial to quality experiences for faculty-student collaborations. Please call 706-729-2094 to find out more about how you can contribute to Augusta University student research through grants or scholarships, or you may give to us directly online.
How are selections for the Faculty Advisory Committee made?
Members of the Faculty Advisory Committee are Augusta University faculty who have been selected based on demonstrated interest and involvement in undergraduate scholarship and research as well as a willingness to further the cause of the CURS. Are you interested in helping? Contact Us!
How are selections for the CURS ambassadors made?
A call for applications for the CURS Ambassadors goes out late Summer/early Fall. All Ambassadors must have research experience at Augusta University. You can learn more about the CURS Ambassadors here.
Undergraduate Research
How do I pursue research at Augusta University?
Please request an appointment with a member of the CURS office to learn more about undergraduate research and the steps necessary to get involved. We will help you through the process of finding a mentor and getting registered for a research course.
What requirements must students meet to become engaged in undergraduate research or scholarship at Augusta University?
The requirements to engage in scholarly work with a professor is up to the individual professor and may range from no experience at all to significant experience with studio or laboratory equipment, statistics, writing, or analysis of discipline specific material or data. All students pursuing research need to be enrolled in an undergraduate research or Honors thesis course.
I have never done research, and I am concerned that I don't know enough. Can I still participate?
Yes! Our faculty love working with undergraduate students, and will work with and mentor you through the research experience. Most all of the opportunities only require an open mind and willingness to learn.
What disciplines participate in research?
Augusta University has faculty in ALL disciplines (arts, humanities, business, sciences, etc.) who conduct research, therefore students in all disciplines can participate in research too.
Is there a way to connect with other undergraduate researchers on campus?
Yes! CURS, along with the CURS Ambassadors, facilitates an undergraduate research community with different social and scholarly events throughout the year. Whether you are discovering research for the first time, or you have completed multiple semesters of research, we welcome you into the CURS Undergraduate Research Community.
I am interested in presenting my research. What do I do next?
Students who wish to present research can consider several local (including URFA) or national conferences. Find Presentation Opportunities
Does Augusta University have a research week?
Yes! Each spring, CURS hosts Undergraduate Research Week. The 2025 URW will be March 31 - April 4, 2025. Our next URFA conferece is scheduled for April 2.
I am interested in publishing my research. Does CURS have a research journal?
Yes! CURS and the Reese Library sponsor the Arsenal, Augusta University's Undergraduate Research Journal. We are always looking for original manuscripts to be published. You can learn more about the Arsenal here.
What types of grants are available from CURS?
offers support to faculty and students who engage in scholarship together however, independent student study or independent faculty study is not supported through CURS. We offer funding to as many quality projects as possible that meet the criteria of being either:
How do I apply for a CURS grant?
Instructions and the form for application for yearly funding can be found on the grants page. Please read through the entire call for proposals.
What is the Summer Scholars Program?
The Summer Scholars Program is an intensive hands-on summer research experience that allows students to collaborate with a faculty mentor in the process of discovery. Students are paid a stipend for approximately 20 hours of research per week and engage with other student researchers in professional development workshops and social gatherings. Enrolled AU students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.