CURS is here to support faculty and students in mentored research and scholarship.
We assist you every step of the way; from finding a match of a mentor or mentee to
identifying and preparing for research presentations. Contact us if you have questions.
Students, you can schedule an appointment with office staff through Navigate. Our office helps with advising about research opportunities, scheduling, and course
If you are looking to be a participant in clinical research trials please see AU Study Recruitment. Students may participate in psychology studies here.
Steps to get engaged with UR
- Submit your Undergraduate Research Opportunity with CURS. This helps students find you and learn about your area of study. This
is required for students to enroll in a CURS course with you.
- Develop a syllabus explaining your plans for the term, expectations, required training modules, readings,
etc. See our Syllabus Templates to get started.
- Interview students to see if they are a good fit for the research topic, time, schedule, and other expectations.
See our Tips for selecting UR students. CURS can assist in screening students for you prior to interviewing.
- Select a student(s) and ask them to join your project. Be sure to give them a syllabus and any reading
materials they need to be prepared.
- Prior to the beginning of each term (July/ December/May), ensure that your student completes the Undergraduate Researcher Registry so that we can enroll your mentee in the appropriate Undergraduate Research course.
You will be the instructor of record and will be required to submit a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
grade to the Registrar.
- Review research opportunities in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Portal (UROP) and select up to 4-5 projects that interest you. Do your homework by reading about
the topics of study, looking at faculty profiles, and websites.
- Request interviews with each potential mentor. Email potential mentors (see the email template button below). Ask: a) Are you taking
students in the coming semester? If not, then thank them for their time and move on
to next mentor. If so, b) ask about requirements to get started (courses, gpa, academic
standing, trainings, skills) and c) if you could have an interview.
- Prepare for to meet with a potential mentor. You will most likely interview with the faculty mentor and you can prepare with
these Sample Questions. If you are offered a position, write a thank you/ acceptance letter and confirm
the expectations.
- Share your experience with CURS. Once you have an offer letter from a research mentor, you must complete the Undergraduate Researcher Registry form so CURS can accurately track and support students engaging in research. If you're
interested in enrolling in a research course, please email
Quick Links
Questions? Start here
| FAQs
Peer Advising
Meet the current CURS Student Ambassadors to inquire about UR at AU
| Peer Advising
Find information on common trainings needed to conduct safe and ethical research
| Trainings
Funding and Awards
Explore the funding and award opportunities available through CURS
| Funding and Awards
Upcoming Events
Mark you calendar for upcoming CURS events and important dates
| Upcoming Events